Chapter 33. Heather

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That night we all sat around the dining table and shared a meal together once Dawnlight returned and we all were clean. Dawnlight was the first one to talk over the sound of all of us eating decent food for the first time in a few days. "Well," She started, "I didn't hear any news from anyone about how anything was doing. Since we heard nothing at all, I can only assume that nothing big went down and that we are going to have a simple safe trip back home. If we depart tomorrow morning we should make it back to Issola by tomorrow evening."

"We're finally going to make it home," Sheria smiled to me as she hugged me from the chair she was sitting in next to me, "oh and Rheannah we can introduce you to our sister Jen and our brother Frank and Heather's other friend Zena. She's so cool!"

Dawnlight smiled and laughed at Sheria's enthusiasm, "I'm sure he'll meet everyone in due time. Issola isn't a very large city. I bet both of you will be sick of it in a matter of weeks and will be like Heather begging to go exploring the real world again."

"But I like to explore," I pouted as I took another bite of my food. I don't like sitting around all day waiting for something to change. I'd rather change things than wait for someone to do it for me. Waiting can take forever or they could change it for the worse not even for the better."

"True," Rheannah stated.

"I can't just sit here twiddling my thumbs when someone out there needs help. And if you don't help them, then who will? No one. If I don't do something I don't know if anyone else will. So I try to help. Plus the only way to do something the right way is to do it yourself. Otherwise you think it's automatically wrong." I yawned to myself, "Man I'm tired...I never got sleep last night."

The Weird-o looked at the clock, "We should all go to bed early tonight so we're ready to move tomorrow. The sooner we can leave tomorrow well rested the sooner we'll be home. And I'm sure your parents are worried about you Heather. You just up and left without a warning."

"Yeah, mom was crying." Sheria stated. "I bet she misses me too by now."

"Frank's probably glad I'm gone. He probably doesn't care if I don't ever come back." I rolled my eyes.

The Weird-o shook his head, "he's your brother, don't think of him like that."

"He's your brother don't think of him like that," I mimicked back and I rolled my eyes again, "he's able to have his friends over then and they probably trashed the house and went through my stuff again."

"One day he may do something nice for you, he's your brother after all, he's the only brother you have." Dawnlight told me

"And the only brother I hate. What's your point?" I questioned her logic. I finished my food and yawned again, "I'm going to bed." I walked over to the couch and covered myself up with a blanket. I chose the couch to sleep on since it was comfortable. I quickly fell asleep with all the commotion of the others still conversing and eating. The lights didn't even bother me. I just was that tired. All the excitement had worn me out. This was the first real official time I was out of Issola and free. I did pretty much whatever I wanted to at the beginning, and even now I still had very few limits. Limitless, it was a great feeling. I could do potentially anything and everything I wanted to out here in the real world. I had trained long and hard.

I was ready for anything.

Or that's what I thought.

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