Chapter 37. Rheannah

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"So this is it. We're here in Liandria." Sheria stated in a small voice.

I nodded in respond to her, "brave warriors get banned all the time. We just have to make the best of it. Can't win every battle. We're lucky we made it out alive from that one." We were walking down the small village streets. I was counting the cobblestones that looked a bit out of place. The village was too rustic for my liking. It was as if we just walked out of a movie from the mythical past. It was too out of the ordinary. Not something I'd prefer to do ever again had I the opportunity. I guess although I come from the moonlight caverns I'm not that small town village girl.

"What are we supposed to do now? We got nothing but the clothes on our backs and whatever we shoved in a bag." Max sighed. He looked at his own watch with an annoyance in his eyes.

Dawnlight shrugged, "I still have the frying pan. I think I'll keep it. A knife and a shield I guess."

"But what are we supposed to do, master leader 'I know everything' Heather, what is your grand plan now?" the Weird-o looked to her.

Heather turned around and glared at all of us, "I don't know okay? I didn't think this far ahead. I thought I was just going to go there then go home but no the apocalypse happened in my backyard and no I wasn't ready. We just lost everyone we once knew. What now? Huh? You decide. Are you willing to stand here and fight Jen with me or not?" She brought her bruised and scabbed knuckles up to her face and put them up to her mouth as she contemplated her thoughts, "Well, are you just going to stand there? We have a huge problem here. Jen, Frank, and Zena are out there destroying the world and you're just standing here. I thought you guys were all 'protect me I'm useful' and now you're just standing here looking at me for answers. Well let me tell you. This isn't just your fictional apocalypse now. This is reality. We're bruised and beaten. Scarred for life. But there is one thing for sure. If it was up to me to decide, I'd go fight Jen right now. However, I'm not at liability to make that decision, since I'm too weak to fight her right now. I'll let you know who I'm fighting for. I'm fighting for myself here. For what's right. I'm gonna take down Jen before she hurts anyone else and I will personally find that man who did that to her and I will take him down by whatever means necessary. One of us is going down in that fight of that man against me. And I'll let you know: it's not me who's going down in that fight. No one should be able to destroy a whole city and get away with it. Especially when there was no motive and the entire population was amongst the innocent. If they're after me, fine. Let them try. Let's just see how far they get. Just know I won't stop until I find her. Nothing will make me stop until I've taken Jen down. No one should harm people without a reason. That is why I fight. This is my life and I'll choose how I want to live it. And if that means I live it trying to protect the ones who can't protect themselves, so be it. Now you know I have found a foundation for why who and what to fight for. Now, who will you fight for?"

"I think we found a world worth fighting for." I smiled as I took out my sword and rested its blade on my shoulder.

"A world worth dying for. If it's worth the fight it's always worth everything we have and must give it our all." Max added.

"Heather, you're all I have left. I can't go home now so I'm with you no matter what...just could we stop breaking so many rules, laws, and regulations...or at least try a little harder not to?" Sheria added to the conversation.

Heather looked to Dawnlight and the Weird-o. The Weird-o quickly responded, "I'm your trainer and mentor. I have to go with you either way to keep you out of trouble."

Dawnlight shrugged, "I'm up for some more adventures. Cannot just leave me here now. I don't like it here anyway. Plus think of it this way, one day we finally we will be able to go back home somewhere."

"Somewhere is home," Rheannah smiled, "we don't have a home, so that means nowhere and everywhere is our home."

"Exactly, now who's with me?" Heather took her bow and put one end of it in the center of all of us.

Max was quick to follow putting the tip of his sword on the end of her bow, as if we were putting our hands in, "I am."

"Me too." I stated, drawing my sword and putting the tip in.

"I'm in." Sheria smiled, putting the end of her rod in.

"I guess I am as well," Dawnlight lightly laughed. She put her frying pan in the center.

The Weird-o shrugged and laughed, "Then I'm in as well." He put his own knife in.

"Good. Now let's make a home here. Rest a bit, then let's go show this world that it's worth fighting for." Heather smiled as we all drew our weapons out and sheathed them. 

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