Chapter 42. Heather

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"You alright Heather?"

"I'm fine," I assured him once more. "I only have exactly eighteen cuts from a manic with a sword and a bow that's jabbing into my gut. In addition, I'm being carried into a place I'm not allowed to go to while you try to save me from bleeding out which isn't possible because someone had the bright idea to give the maniac a cursed sword. Who gives children cursed swords anyway?"

"Mine is cursed to you know."

"But you don't double cross your friends now do you?"

He was all-defensive over his twin sister, "I'm rather sure Rheannah didn't mean what she did. She just gets a bit out of control sometimes."

"Yet she did it anyway though."

"Plus you already entered here once—"

"Correction, I snuck into the Moonlight Caverns once. There is no evidence that I ever entered plus this time we're walking right through the main entrance and I don't like to make grand entrances. I prefer to sneak in and shock people so they don't know I'm there. I'd rather not have the guys I fight know I'm here so I have at least a small advantage."

"I'm doing this so you don't suffer and end up with scars. The enchanted water would only continue to cause you pain until every last wound becomes a scar. You don't need that pain."

"Alright my knight without armor." I groaned in sarcasm

"I'm not a knight."

I rolled my eyes, "you've got a sword and are trying to practice the art of chivalry. You won't be able to convince me otherwise."

With a remark from beneath his breath, he continued on as we entered the Moonlight Caverns. When we entered through the main entrance, my amulet glowed its bright ruby color, shining brightly for everyone around to see. What a terrible time for Thalia to be attempting to protect me.

People started to notice Max and I. I wasn't the least bit surprised. He was well known here and I was glowing and injured what's more to know?

"Hey Max, who's—"

"She's glowing!"

"Her powers are radiating—"

"—She's a fire type!"

"A fire type—"

"—In the moonlight Caverns?!"

"Don't listen to them," Max assured me, "you're better than that."

I nodded, "well yeah of course I am. I didn't drag myself in here. I was carried in against my will."

Max sighed, "I'm glad you're on the same side as I am. I don't ever want to go against you. I don't think anyone would want to be against you once they knew what they were up against."

"You better hope we stay on the same side or you're gonna have some problems." I stated as I drew an arrow from flames and grabbed my bow. I aimed straight up to the sky, "And not a word on what I'm about to do." I shot the arrow into the sky as it bursted into a molten flame dome-like shield that started to cover the entire area.

"She's causing the fall of the Merrywell family with her flames."

"Max is bringing down his own family!"

"The Merrywell family is falling!"

"Max how could you do this?!"

Max quickly glanced as me while he kept running faster, "Heather what the—"

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