Chapter 1

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In the scorching hot sunny day, the chirping sounds of birds fill the horizon.

In the classroom of second floor of Xu Ri (Rising Sun) middle school.

Chen Ming Xu is standing in the platform in the classroom and teaching about set squares. His top is wet because of the sweat.

The air is like a pour of boiling water. The fan on the ceiling creates a buzzing sound. It creates a big noise and the air feels so hot.

The students are feeling drowsy.

He couldn’t help but to be irritated.

“Look at the blackboard.” He is looking at a female student on the third row. Cheng Ming Xuan frowns and slaps his ruler to the blackboard with a great force. “Do you hear me! Look at the blackboard!”

Several other students start to wake up and opens their sleepy eyes. They force themselves to look at the blackboard.

The female student on the third row seem to not hear it. Her head still hangs low. She is drawing something with her pencil. She looks beautiful and innocent. Because she is still young, she is cute.

She is sitting straightly and properly. She looks quiet and peaceful. She can be described as a type of student that teachers prefer.

— But this time she regards the teacher as an invisible one.

Chen Ming Xu starts to frown again. He discusses about the question he is written on the blackboard. This 1st angle is equal to the 2nd angle. The third angle is 108 degree—“

The question will be done soon, but the female student still shows no sign that she will lift her head up to look at the blackboard. Chen Ming Xuan’s half-day fury has been boiling for the whole day, he slaps his ruler on the table.

The plastic ruler strikes on the wooden table, it creates a loud noise. It is shocked every students, they are trembling in fear. Then the roar of Chen Ming Xu let the atmosphere in the classroom turns stiff.

“Sang Zhi!”

The female student, who calls Sang Zhi, lifts up her head and looks at Cheng Ming Xuan for two seconds. She puts down her pencil and stands up on her own initiative.

Chen Ming Xu controls his temper. “What did I say before?”

Sang Zhi looks at the blackboard and acts calmly: “The 4th angle equals to 72 degree.

Chen Ming Xu is used to this innocent female student so he isn’t easily deceived. He takes the ruler and slaps it on the table again. He says with a sneer: “I haven’t talked about that one!”


Sang Zhi starts to feel troublesome. “Then why are you calling me….”

Chen Ming Xu asks her back: “Tell me why do you think I am calling you?”

Sang Zhi thinks for several seconds and guesses: “Is it because you cannot do it?”

Chen Ming Xu: “……”

Sang Zhi: “You call my name to teach you?”

Chen Ming Xu: “?”

“I get it.” Sang Zhi understands and looks at the blackboard. “Because the 1st angle is equal to the 2nd angle, so AB is parallel to CD. The two straight lines are parallel. The interior angle……..”

Chen Ming Xu comes to the end of his patience. “You are so great, then should I pass my position as a teacher to you?”

Sang Zhi is somewhat frustrated by his action of cutting her explanation. She wants to speak up then hesitates. She finally says: “But I cannot snatch away your job ah.”

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