Chapter 5

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Sang Zhi actually doesn’t know clearly how old is Duan Jia Xu. But hearing him saying those words, she thinks of Sang Yan’s age. She straightens her face and says displeasedly: “You are quite old.”


You are quite old.

Quite old.


Duan Jia xu always doesn’t mind about his age. But the time he hears her words, he feels his heart is stabbed.

He is not even a twenty years old man but he is labelled “old”. Duan Jia Xu cannot describe his feeling. He speaks up: “I am old?”

Sang Zhi nods: “You are old.”


It’s a several seconds of silence.

“Xiao Hai, you think that I’m old.” Duan Jia Xu stares at her fixedly. He feels this is getting absurd. “Then why don’t you call me Shu Shu (Uncle)?”

“Oh.” Sang Zhi considers for a while and feels it’s reasonable. She immediately changes and speaks up: “Shu Shu.”


The young girl’s eyes are big and clear. There’s no hint of impurity. The time she is talking seriously, her words sound like it’s from the bottom from her heart.

She also can use the most innocent expression to let hurt someone’s heart.

Chen Ming Xu cuts off their conversation. He pours a glass of water for Duan Jia Xu and says awkwardly: “I’m sorry. Please wait here for a while. I drank too much water before. I need to go the restroom first.”

Duan Jia Xu calms himself down and replies: “Okay.”

After Chen Ming Xu leaves, Duan Jia Xu looks away and once more argues about Sang Zhi. “Do you know if you call me this way, your Ge should call me that way too?”

Sang Zhi answers honestly: “No, I don’t know.”

Duan Jia Xu: “So would you call me Ge Ge or Shu Shu?”

Sang Zhi thinks about it and says. “It’s better for you to call Ge Ge.”

Duan Jia Xu relaxes and says: “You are quite protective of your Ge ah.”

“What protective.” Sang Zhi doesn’t understand his words. “Why should I protect him. He always bullies me, I just want to let him call you Shu Shu.”


“He looks older than you.”


He doesn’t expect to get this kind of answer. Duan Jia Xu is startled and suddenly laughs. He repeats once more. “Sang Yan looks like he is older than me?”

Sang Zhi: “Yes ah.”

Duan Jia Xu feels good about it. He coughs lightly and pretends to be modest. “Xiao Hai (Little kid), how could you see that he is older than me?” He said it and continues: “I think we are at the same age.”

Sang Zhi examines his faec and says: “There’s a bit of difference.”


In a next second, a woman knocks on the door and opens it. She looks around and asks bashfully: “Hi, is Fu Zheng Chu’s homeroom teacher here?”

Teacher Zhang stands up quickly: “Right! You are Zheng Chu’s Jie Jie right?”

That woman smiles and gets inside: “Right.”

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