Chapter 3

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If this time the one that stands in front of her is Sang Yan, Sang Zhi will not tell him about the reason. Sang Yan supposedly will not able to question her. He even will not tell her about the precondition. She would just keep on pestering him till he agrees about it.

This is the first time for her to meet someone like Duan Jia Xu.

From the first time he speaks up, Duan Jia Xu is gentle and kind. He acts like he will not get angry at her. Sang Zhi cannot guess what’s on his mind. She doesn’t dare to act presumptuously as she is not familiar with him.

Sang Zhi turns silence for a short while, she is a bit unwilling to confess. “I didn’t listen to the lecture during the class.”

Duan Jia Xu: “em.”

“The teacher asked me to stand up to answer the question. I was able to answer it.” Sang Zhi pauses and organizes her words. “Then he asked me whether I want to replace his position to be the class’ homeroom. I considered it and thought I couldn’t do it so I refused.”


Duan Jia Xu: “?”

Sang Zhi looks at him cautiously, she wants to see his response. She stands there silently, she acts like she is a well-behaved kid. “Then he asked me to ask my parents to come over.”

When she is done, she feels the whole world turns silent.

Sang Zhi is lacking in confidence as Duan Jia Xu keeps on being silent. She cannot help but to say: “Trust me.”

Duan Jia Xu says: “I am really a bit distrust you.”

He seems to find it hilarious. He smiles. He is a handsome man, the time he is laughing, he looks even brighter and shinier.

They both are standing close to each other.

Sang Zhi could feel his cigarette scent and feels unease.

She forces herself to speak again. “What I am saying is true.”

Duan Jia Xu: “Really, you don’t lie to me?”

Sang Zhi nods and says sincerely: “No, it’s real. If you don’t trust me, then you can go and you’ll know tomorrow. Lao Shi tomorrow will tell you the truth.”


The door is opened.

Sang Yan doesn’t look at them and just walks toward his wardrobe. “Xiao Gui, go out.”

Though Sang Zhi feels that she is wrong to frame her brother, but she is unwilling to leave this way. She mumbles: “Couldn’t I stay here?”

Sang Yan turns his head to look at her and puts on a fake smile: “I want to change my clothes.”

“Then Ge Ge….” Sang Zhi once again holds Duan Jia Xu’s sleeve. This Ge Ge should go out too. I think he will not want to look at you changing your clothes.”

Sang Yan just pretends like he doesn’t hear her. “Go out and close the door.”

Sang Zhi just regards that he agrees to her so she drags Duan Jia Xu to go outside. “Okay, we will close the door.”


Sang Yan watches two of them for a while, then just waves his hand. He is too lazy to mind them.

Because this matter cannot be heard by other.

After coming out of the room, Sang Zhi immediately pulls Duan Jia Xu to her room. She closes the door and asks impatiently: “Ge Ge, then would you come tomorrow? I already told you the truth…..”

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