Chapter 59

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"Obviously you ..." Sang Zhi was a little speechless, and stood up. "I'm just sitting there, why are you bringing your face over?"

Duan Jiaxu lowered her eyes, took her hand, and smiled: "Intentionally."

His palms were hot, holding her lightly, and sometimes he unconsciously pinched her fingertips.

Sangzhi looked at him.

Duan Jiaxu pulled her out of the cafe: "I want to take this opportunity to kiss you."

Sang Zhi pursed her lower lip and whispered lowly.

"How long have you waited?" Duan Xia Xu bowed her head, looked in her direction, and asked casually, "I have finished drinking such a large cup of coffee."

"It didn't take long for me to notice the time when I played the game," said Sang Zhi, "how do you know where I am?"

Duan Jiaxu pointed to the glass window of the coffee shop: "See. If you come back next time, go directly to the company to find me. Or ask me to come down and pick you up."

Sangzhi nodded.

The two entered the barbecue restaurant next to them and found a place to sit.

Duan Jiaxu wiped her hands with a hot towel, and then poured water into her glass: "There is one exam left, when is it?"

Mulberry: "Thursday."

"three days left?"

"Well," Sang Zhi raised his hands and rubbed his eyes. "So I plan to go back to the dormitory to sleep in the afternoon, stay up late these days, and trap me."

Duan Jiaxu laughed: "Did you just drink coffee?"

Sang Zhi said solemnly: "I drink coffee because I have to sleep, and I get sleepy as soon as I drink coffee."

"What kind of constitution do you have," Duan Xux laughed, "will you stay up all night?"

"No," said Sang Zhi. "This exam has three days to review. That's enough."

"How was your interview?"

"It's okay, I think it should be possible. That company looks quite lacking." Sangzhi scratched his head and asked suddenly, "Compliment Brother, has my brother sought you?"

On hearing that, Duan Jiaxu glanced at the phone: "No, what's wrong?"


It seems that this time is a bit serious.

But thinking that he was ruthless enough to black her out, Sanzhi didn't want to make peace with him at all. She took a sip of water and said blankly, "There is a fight."

"what happened?"

"He didn't agree with me not going home during the summer vacation, and then said ..." Sang Zhi didn't finish his words, hesitated, "Yes, have you told my brother about our relationship?"

"No," Duan Jiaxu said indifferently. "It was originally intended that you return to Nanwu during the summer vacation. I will take a holiday to find you, and talk to your brother about this incident."

"now what?"

"That can only wait for your National Day holiday. Let's go together. Is it sincere enough?" Duan Jiaxu laughed. "Personally come to him and let him have a meal."

"..." Sang Zhi said with little confidence, "Should not."

"It's okay," Duan Jiaxu didn't care much, Taohua's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mood looked extremely good. "I'm quite happy to endure this shock."

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