Chapter 58

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Obviously, she did not think that she would pull out such a reason. Duan Jiaxu's expression froze, and she laughed quickly, as if she felt extremely absurd: "What?"

As soon as he said something, Sanzhi realized that his words were stupid and silly, and felt that he was too sleepy. Her expression was a little embarrassed, she was silent, and she supported the bed with one hand, trying to stand up.

Noting Sangzhi's behavior, Duan Jiaxu bent down, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her slightly harder. After she stood firm, she held her back with her other hand and pushed her in her direction.

Sangzhi's head bumped into his arms and looked up, inexplicably nervous, and his hands fisted into his chest. He could still feel that his chest was still trembling, his mood was excellent, and the laughter from his throat was not restrained.

She uneasily wanted to step back: "What are you doing ..."

Duan Jiaxu glanced a little deeper, and there was a bit of bold seduce between his eyebrows. He raised his brow and pressed her to the bed without warning, and said dumbly, "Like excitement?"


As if turning in circles, Sang Zhi momentarily leaned back against the bed, and as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Duan Xu ’s lips. The mattress was soft and his hands were holding her back, and she didn't feel any pain.

It was just because of this sudden move that her head became empty and she didn't understand the meaning of his words for a while.

Duan Jiaxu was still laughing: "Huh?"

Sangzhi blinked slowly, then turned back. She took a deep breath, took her feet to stab him, and shouted angrily: "Duan praise!"

He was completely unaffected. He pressed his lips to her ears, lowered his voice, and said ambiguously, "Let's stimulate them?"


Breathing for a moment, she was red from the neck to the cheek for a moment, as if it was burnt and extremely hot. She felt that her heartbeat was about to hit her body, forcing herself to calm down and staring at him.

He didn't press her, but just propped the bed with his hands.

Sang Zhi pursed her lips, stretched her legs, and pushed him sideways.

The strength between men and women was very different. Duan praised raising her eyebrows. Without resistance, she lay beside her.

Sangzhi sat up, gritted his teeth and said, "What hooligan are you playing!"

Duan Jiaxu was lying on his side, with one hand on his face, and looked cynical: "What a hooligan are you together?"


Doesn't seem to count.

And he didn't actually do anything excessive.

Sang Zhi didn't care about him anymore, he reached out and rubbed his forehead, and drew to the side of the bed to think about it.

When she noticed her behavior, Duan Xuan pulled her back, raised her eyelashes, and stared at her forehead. Then she noticed a red piece: "Hit it?"

She pointed to the edge of the bed and whispered, "I accidentally caught you."

Duan Jiaxu: "Does it hurt?"

Sang Zhi shook her head: "It doesn't hurt much."

"Tell me," Duan Jiaxu laughed, "how did you lie on the ground?"

Sangzhi honestly said: "I was suddenly sleepy."

Duan Jiaxu: "Why don't you go to bed?"

"I said that just now. I'm afraid you don't think I want to ignore you," said Sangzi. "But I really need to review. I will take the exam tomorrow afternoon. I want to take a better exam."

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