Chapter 14

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Sang Zhi stared at the bare pho in front of him, mixed with only a few carrot shreds and vegetable leaves. She turned her gaze and fixedly looked at the full beef in Duan Xuan's bowl.

A stagnation of stagnation in the heart could not come out.


She really didn't want to say.

you! Have! so! like! eat! beef! ! !! !!

Sang Zhi pursed her lips and lifted up her chopsticks.

Knowing that no one at the scene would help her, she didn't waste her energy to complain about anything, and put a bowl of pho, which he picked and picked after him.

At this table, the person who speaks the most is Qian Fei, even more so after drinking. Throughout the night, he was talking most of the time, and basically he was solving things on the table.

Sang Zhi listened to their chats boringly.

Except for games, they are games, and there is no mention of girls or the study of a word.

Sang Zhi bit the pho, his cheek banging.

After a short while, Qian Fei, who had a bad drink, suddenly became mad. This time, I finally started to talk about my own love life, and despair broke down again: "Why the **** is my junior and I have no girlfriend, I am a junior--"

Sang Zhi wanted to reach for a bunch of chicken wings, startled by the sudden roar, and immediately retracted her hand.

She glanced quietly.

Sang Yan shook his lips: "Don't yell, you can cry when you graduate."

"I don't! I'm so fed up!" Qian Fei pointed Sang Yan with his finger. "Come to my girl, not asking me for your phone number-" and pointing to Duan Xiaoxue: "Just asking me your!"


Qian Fei burst into tears: "No one has ever asked for my number, it's my own!"

Watching a big man cry like this, Sang Yan's conscience found out and suggested, "Otherwise, you will say you're Sang Yan next time. What you want is your own number."

Duan Jiaxu didn't lift his eyelids. He tore a piece of paper towel, took a bunch of chicken wings and put them in a childish bowl, and casually agreed: "You can call Duan Jiaxu."


Isn't this worse?

Upon hearing this, Qian Fei immediately stopped crying and stared at them both.

The scene freezes for a moment.

Sang Zhi didn't dare to go to the theater anymore, and always felt that the atmosphere would erupt the next moment.

After a while, Qian Fei suddenly cried again, as if he had been favored by the emperor, with tears in his eyes and grateful tears, and said, "Good brother! Oh oh oh good brother !!!"

Mulberry: "..."

Seeing that he was almost eating, Sang Yan went to check out first, and then drove out the car.

Duan Jiaxu helped Qian Fei stand up and looked down at Sang Zhi: "Child, walk in front of brother."

Sangzhi said loudly.

Hearing the childish voice, Qian Fei looked at her strenuously, and suddenly thought of one thing: "Ah, younger sister, my brother wants to clamp your doll. Wait, which one do you want? Brother can be good at clamping dolls. "

Looking at his unstable road, Sangzhi hesitated and said, "No need ..."

"No! I will count when I speak, never lie!" Qian Fei touched twenty dollars out of his pocket and came out. "Go, go and clip the baby."

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