Chapter 81

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Qian Fei has always been fat. After he got married, under the nourishment of love, he developed horizontally at a speed visible to the naked eye. He took a deep breath, took his fingers, and put it down again.

It seems like forbearance is fine.

This mood lasted for less than three seconds, Qian Fei raised his hand again, pointed him again, and growled: "How do you **** know that I weigh exactly ?!"

"Are you really guessing?" Sang Yanliang said, "I still deliberately lowered my guess."

Qian Fei couldn't accept this humiliation and looked at Duan Jiaxu: "Old Xu, do I look so fat?"

Duan praised: "No."

This reassured Qian Fei's mood in a timely manner.

His anger was a little bit more, but he was still angry at Sang Yan's tone: "You bullhead, starting today, don't contact me again, or see you hit you once and get off!"

Silence for three seconds.

Duan Jiaxu smiled and added: "I thought you were already two hundred. If only one hundred and eighty-six, it seems OK."

Qian Fei: "..."

For a moment, Qian Fei's anger grew a little sadness, looking at Duan Xu's look at the gloomy man: "Why did you attack me with him, you loved me clearly before."

"What to say," Duan Jiaxu said, "my girlfriend misunderstood is not good."


"Also, my brother." Duan Jiaxu put his chin on his eyes and smiled extremely gently on his body. "What can I do if I don't help my family?"

Confronting his eyes, Sang Yan's forehead jumped: "Why are you so disgusting in a relationship?"

Qian Fei also moved: "I can't stand it, really."

Duan Xu was very good-tempered and let them mock.

"When he didn't have an object before, to be honest, he can bear it." Qian Fei said, "There is an object now, like a male peacock, who complains every day. I really don't know how your sister can bear it."

"..." Duan Jiaxu thought it was funny, "Is there such an exaggeration?"

"You have more time to look in the mirror when you have time." According to your own experience, Qian Fei kindly reminded, "The little girl now doesn't like such sticky objects. If you go on like this, you will be bored in less than a year.

Hearing this, Sang Yan looked at Duan Xu with a thoughtful look.

Before waiting for Duan Xu to say something, the phone on the table rang. It's a video call from Sang Zhi. He pulled up the corner of his lips, picked up the phone, and said slowly: "don't mind?"

Qian Fei: "Mind."

Duan Jiaxu thought about it, hung up, and returned to a voice call. He picked up the water glass, stuck the phone to his ear, and said, "Seeing that you don't even have a phone, I'm actually not too shy to answer it."


"But my girl is a bit angry." Duan Jiaxu smiled. "No answer."

The next moment, the call was connected.

A childish voice came, "Are you still outside?"

"Well, talk to your brother and money to fly out." Duan Jiaxu took a sip of water and asked Wen Wen, "Back to the dormitory?"

"It's back." Sangzhi was very conscious. "Then I won't bother you anymore. You can play with them. I'll take a bath."

"I'll go back and call you."

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