Chapter 25

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The sofa in the living room is "L" shaped, with a transparent coffee table in front. Duan Jiaxu and Sang Yan sat side by side, separated by a distance of two people.

The remaining position is left empty.

Sang Zhi just sat there unconsciously, right next to Duan Xuan.

At this time, because of this sudden situation, Sanzhi's head was blank. She even forgot to put the phone away, and the direction was still in favor with Duan, her expression uneasy and tense.

Glancing at her, Sang Yan threw the gamepad aside, and frowned and asked, "What are you shooting, kid?"

Sangzhi didn't know what to explain, and Nana looked up.

Paying attention to the direction in which the mobile phone was pointed, Duan Xux raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth were bent. Later, his body leaned forward slightly, moving closer to the childish direction, and said with interest: "Huh? Shoot me?"

Sang Zhi flinched back and immediately snapped her phone screen to the pillow to block it: "No, no."



"Why did you shoot your brother?" Duan Jiaxu dragged his tone, and laughed a little, "Is this brother so good-looking?"

Upon hearing this, Sang Yan immediately whispered, "Can you take your face?"

He seemed to think of something, and looked sideways at Sang-chi: "You wouldn't want to take a photo--"

Before waiting for him to speak, Sangzhi stood up sharply without looking at the two of them, and said very quickly: "I told my classmate that I have a handsome brother."

Sang Yan's voice stopped.

Her cheeks were red, and she moved in the direction of the bedroom. It seems that I can't think of any other reason, and for a long time I uttered another sentence: "--- but I'm sorry to show them your picture."

Sang Yan: "..."

After speaking, Sang Zhi immediately ran back to the room, leaving a silence.

The living room was quiet for a moment, and it seemed awkward to be inexplicable. The two men sat at each end, their expressions were very different, and their emotions were in sharp contrast.

After a long while, Sang Yan turned her head to look at Duan's approval, her lip line straightened, her face gradually lost her expression, and a cloud of depression filled her heart: "I thought she was going to take a picture to sue my parents."

Duan Jiaxu converged the radian of the corners of his lips, pretending to be quiet.

As if recalling Sanji's words again, Sang Yan exhaled slowly, trying to hold his temper, but the anger was still a little bit bitter: "This **** is better to sue."


Quiet for a few more seconds.

"Fuck." Sang Yan couldn't bear it, and suddenly stood up. "You wait here first."

The next second, Duan Xuan followed him and stood up, his behavior meant to stop him. His jaw was slightly constricted, and he laughed lowly: "Brother, don't care about the child, right?"

Sang Yan: "?"

Duan Jiaxu: "Children are not sensible, it is not necessary."

Sang Yan looked at him blankly.

"A child of this age," Duan Jiaxu patted his shoulder, his voice stopped for a few seconds, and seemed to be laughing. "It will be a bit of face, do you understand her?"

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