Chapter 41

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After getting on the plane, Sang Zhi found her place, and after telling Sang Yan on WeChat, she turned off the plane.

The plane was taxiing, making a rumbling noise and rising into the air.

Sangzhi pulled open the window baffle and looked out. Watching Yihe gradually narrowed in his eyes, and was covered with a white mist until he could not see clearly.

She retracted her gaze and rested with her eyes closed for a while, but still not sleepy. Sang Zhi simply took the comic book from his bag and turned to the page he saw last time.

But he didn't see much.

Sang Zhi exhaled and slammed the comic.

Start thinking about what happened last night again.

She sat on the ground playing with snow, Duan Xuan appeared, and she started crying, saying she had a favorite person, and then spit on him. Later, he said a lot of messy things, and cried and shouted, extremely embarrassed.

After that, he was back to school with his back on his back and there was no impression.

It is an extremely coherent memory, and it feels like there is no missing part.

But Duan Jiaxu's reaction today is like she drank a movie and then told him what should not be said.

It doesn't seem right to think so.

If she did say something, he would not have responded today.

Sang Zhi thought again that his reaction after being splashed with water was also inexplicably smiling. Then she vomited on him yesterday, and he was in a good mood today.

Mulberry: "..."

Is this old man a little mentally deranged?

To Nanwu Airport.

Sang Zhi got off the plane, followed the position of the sign, and waited for the checked luggage. She opened her cell phone and looked at it. She saw Sang Yan reply to her message and immediately replied: [Here it is, come out immediately. 】

After waiting for a long time, she finally saw her suitcase and went out after picking it up.

Sang Yan stood outside the exit, wearing a thin black coat. He lowered his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and held the phone in his other hand, as if replying to something.

Sang Zhi came to him.

Seeing that he didn't look up, Sangzhi suddenly remembered what he said on the phone before, and swallowed the word "brother" in his mouth, and changed it kindly to "Sangyan."

"..." Sang Yan stopped and raised his eyes coolly. "Want to rebel?"

Sang Zhi blinked: "You told me not to call your brother."

"I told you not to ask me for money, did you listen? Also, tell me to save money," Sang Yan glanced up and down with a light tone. "Have you ever been weighed?"


"Poor reload next time," Sang Yan took the suitcase in her hand. "Remember to lose weight and come back."

Sang Zhi was upset: "I'm only 80 pounds."

"Well," Sang Yan said, "then you're quite fat."

Sang Zhi could not help but go back and said, "You seem to be only one meter five."

Sang Yan said indifferently, "Do you have a meter?"


Sang Rong went out for a business trip, and there was only Li Ping at home. There were already a few prepared dishes on the table, and she was still busy in the kitchen.

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