Chapter 49

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After taking a shower, Sangzi sat back in position and fiddled with the camera for a while. She uploaded the photo of Duan Xiaokuan to the computer and put a new favorite in it.

When I went back to Duan Jiaxu's house again, I put in the photo I took.

She thought about it, logged in to QQ with a computer, and from a private album in the space, she pulled out a photo that she had previously secretly approved of Duan.

All three photos have different tones and pixels.

Putting them together like this brings a clear and distinct sense of time.

Sangzhi looked at it for a while, and suddenly remembered that high school senior.

During that time, her condition worsened inexplicably, and she has always done well in physics. She also often made careless mistakes, her overall score plummeted, and her ranking in the grade has been leaning back.

The day when I received the adult gift from Duan Xuan, Nanwu's scores came out.

It was her worst test of her entire senior year.

Therefore, after the day of self-study is over.

She was called by the teacher to talk.

The class teacher noticed something about her and the next-class sports student. So as soon as her grade dropped, she felt that it was because of falling in love that it affected her grade.

When talking to her, she was especially relentless.

After listening to her lesson silently, Sang Zhi just repeated the phrase "I didn't fall in love", and then returned to the class and took the schoolbag to go home by car.

Counting it, the senior year is only half a day off.

After school on Saturday afternoon, I will come back the next day to continue my evening study. But most students are from home at noon and school in the afternoon.

The day she went home happened to be her birthday.

Li Ping and Sang Rong are cooking in the kitchen.

Perhaps because of her birthday, Sang Yan was home at the same time, sitting on the sofa and watching TV. When she saw her back, she just raised her chin and said quietly, "Duan Xiaoxue sent you a courier and put it in your room."

Sang Zhi nodded and went back to the room in silence.

She closed the door, put the bulky schoolbag on the table, and stared at the sender on the courier box. Then slowly unpack the box.

When I saw a set of cosmetics inside, a greeting card was also attached.

The child opened the greeting card.

The man's handwriting was sharp and sharp, only one line was written.

——I wish Xiao Sangzhi a happy adult.

It seemed like she was looking forward to it a long time ago.

All emotions surged.

The pressure brought by the senior year, the teacher's inaccuracies of criticism, and the sense of grievance that is difficult to restrain.

Sang Zhi stared at this sentence, her eyes gradually turned red, and after a long while, she couldn't help making a choke in her throat, accompanied by tears that kept falling down.

I find it extremely difficult.

She didn't dare let anyone hear it, squatted on the ground, tried her best to endure the cry, her whole body was shaking, and she began to cry.

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