Chapter 9

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No one knows whether Sang Zhi is crying because she is surprised of Duan Jia Xu’s estranged attitude or not. Sang Zhi says nothing else but from time to time there’s a sobbing from her.

Inside the room, Qian Fei suddenly knocks out his keyboard and roars: “Wow, this is stupid c*nt!”

The next moment, Sang Yan throws his pillow toward Qian Fei: “If you keep on noisy, I’ll beat your a**.”

“Sang Yan! This is an important moment for me!” Qian Fei yells: “Dammit, don’t sleep anymore, let’s—“

Duan Jia Xu pursues his lips and locks the door of the balcony. He leans on the railing and looks around. He calms his tone. “Xiao Hai, what time do you usually arrive at school?”

Sang Zhi chokes and answers honestly: “07:40 a.m.”

“You wake up around 07:00 a.m.?”


“Tomorrow could you wake up at 06:00 a.m?”

This time Sang Zhi stays quiet.

Duan Jia Xu doesn’t mind it so much, he considers his words. He attempts to reason thing out with her. “Xiao Hai, this homework is given by the teacher as your responsibility. It’s your own matter. You don’t bring it home, you can confess it to your teacher, apologize to you teacher. Tell him that you’ll make it later. You cannot ask someone to do it for you.”

The little girl sobs again and says “em” with low spirit.

It’s been two months and he realizes that this little girl is more sensible tha before.

Duan Jia Xu sighs: “So tomorrow could you wake up at 06:00 a.m.?”

This time she just turns silent for several seconds and says with a bit of confident: “I could…..”

“Then tomorrow….” Duan Jia Xu thinks about the time, “Tomorrow 06:40 a.m, Ge Ge will wait at the bus station for you. I’ll accompany you to finish it, okay?”

Sang Zhi: “Em.”

Duan Jia Xu: “Don’t cry anymore. Think it by yourself how will you write it down. Then go wash your face and go to sleep.”

Sang Zhi says: “Okay.”

Then Sang Zhi quickly requests with a low voice: “Ge Ge, could you not tell my Ge Ge about this matter?”

Duan Jia Xu laughs: “You even don’t dare to tell that you leave your homework with me?”

“No.” Sang Zhi doesn’t know how to explain, she just says: “Anyway don’t tell him about it.”

“Okay.” Duan Jia Xu even feels surprised that he can be that patience toward this little girl. “Tomorrow 06.00 a.m., remember to wake up. That time I’ll also call you.”

Sang Zhi says obediently: “Okay.”

Duan Jia Xu: “Go to sleep.”

The time he hears the call ends, he puts down his phone.

The phone’s screen is off but Sang Yan’s phone has no passcode. He turns it off and finds the call log. He looks at Sang Zhi’s phone number and turns off the phone

He tidies up his clean dry clothes and returns to the room.

The room is so noisy. Sang Yan already gets off the bed. He is playing his game beside Qian Fei.

Duan Jia Xu passes the phone ot him.

Sang Yan asks: “What did you leave at her place?”

Duan Jia Xu just answers casually: “Just a toy, just let her have it.”

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