Chapter 63

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Sang Zhi turned his head mechanically, and followed Duan Xu's face along his eyes. As if her parents had caught early love, she yanked her hands back and uncomfortably carried her behind her.

She swallowed.

I didn't think it was such a big deal, but Sang Yan's bad expression and relationship were suddenly broken, and the combination of the two made the unprepared childishness, and the heart suddenly mentioned his throat.

Duan Jiaxu lowered his eyes, looking at his instant empty hand, and raised an eyebrow.

Then, Sang Zhi uttered a sentence: "... is quite alike."


"But you take a closer look," Sangzhi said dryly. "There is still a little difference, that is, hitting the face ... the public face ... I know several people who have this face ..."

Sang Yan interrupted her, and angrily smiled: "Do you really think I'm a fool?"


"Why can I help you think of a reason?" Sang Yan's pupils were dark, and he thought he was calm, but said calmly. his hand."

After three seconds of quietness, Sang Zhi composes calmly, "Well, would you be drunk?"


Hearing this, Sang Yan's eyebrows fluttered, and the smile on his skin was gradually closed. He calmly breathed calmly, staring at Sangzi, saying, "You come here for me."

Sang Zhi was afraid of being scolded by him and looked to Duan for help.

Seeing this, Duan Jiaxu also looked sideways at Sangzhi, with a thoughtful expression. Soon, he opened his mouth, and what he said was in response to what she had just said, "I don't look like the public."


Double pinch.

Two, faulty, men.

Sangzhi doesn't know why he wants to be the most flustered one. She took a deep breath, glanced around the two, and then suddenly pushed Duan Xu in the direction of Sang Yan.

She pushed all the blame on Duan Xuan, and truthfully said, "He chased me."

To Shang Sangyan's sight, Duan Xuan finally began to feel a bit of guilt. The arc of the corner of his mouth slowly converged, and he coughed softly, admitting: "I chase."


Sang Zhi suddenly regretted it.

If she didn't go to Duan Xuan today, she would obediently return to the dormitory after work. Knowing that Sang Yan is here, they can still think long-term, and think about how to confess, so as not to make him feel too difficult to accept.

The situation at this time.

The three, like strangers, walked silently and awkwardly towards the dormitory building.

Sang Zhi walked in the middle and didn't dare to rely on Duan Xu too close, the distance was more biased towards Sang Yan. Her gaze was always on Sang Yan's face, her heart was still drumming, and she felt a little guilty.

She lowered her head, secretly substituting what Sang Yan should have at this time.

After a cold war with my sister for almost two weeks, I finally made time for Yihe to break her leg. She hurried to her sister's school, but unexpectedly saw the scene where she was holding hands with her brother.

My sister is with my brother.

Even if they were together, the two kept him at the same time. He didn't notice it, and always found this brother to take care of his sister, like a fool who was playing with him.

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