Chapter 47

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Sang Zhi didn't respond for a moment, and the answer in his mouth was almost out of his mouth. She had a short breath, raised her eyes, and looked at him silently.

In her mind, the words seemed to be understood in two ways.

Either that, am I the person you said;

Otherwise, can I be the person you say.

No matter what it means, if she admits it, it is equivalent to her showing her heart first? But if she doesn't admit it, how about he retired because of this difficulty?

In the heart, Sangzhi fought against each other.

Duan Jiaxu waited patiently for her answer, without any urgency.

After a long while, Sangzhi made up his mind and spit out two words decisively: "Not like."

Duan praised his voice, stretched the tone, as if a bit regrettable.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Sang Zhi lowered his eyes and added a serious sentence: "Don't mention this word, I don't like this person anymore."

Duan Jiaxu frowned, "That's it."

Sangzhi calmly nodded. Afraid he didn't believe it, she thought about it, and braced herself: "Don't you say this is a scumbag? I haven't contacted her."

"..." Duan Jiaxu smiled slightly.

Sang Zhi wrote very clearly, seriously: "I don't have anyone I like now."

Duan Jiaxu was silent for three seconds, and the emotion in his eyes was a bit indescribable, as if he had dug a pit and jumped off by himself. He looked away and asked indifferently, "This person, central air-conditioning?"

Sangzhi hesitated, "One point."

Now I remember that she also said such a word at the time, Duan Xuan was very angry and funny, saying line by line: "Do you know what this word means?"

Hearing this, Sanji looked weird: "Don't you know?"


"Why don't you know anything and you don't even surf the Internet?" Sangzhi did not hesitate and explained to him slowly. "The central air-conditioning is that there are many female friends, which is good for all girls, but it is not Girlfriend male, mean. "

Duan Jiaxu looked down, glanced up and down, and said quietly: "These three points are in line with one point, even if the central air conditioner?"

"..." Sang Chi took for granted. "Of course, all three points must be met."

The topic ends here.

The two walked side by side in the direction of the school gate.

Passing by a group of college students who were playing around, Sang Zhi seemed to hear it indifferently, and Duan Xu seemed to have spoken something, his tone was indescribable, and he felt a little cool.

"It's kind of framed."

Most of the movie "Super Heroes" Sang Zhi wanted to see have been taken off the shelves, leaving only one with the last show.

Location in a business circle in the city center.

Duan praised the ticket in advance.

They got on the subway. Because it is a weekend, there are so many people, Sang Zhi and Duan Xu just happened to catch up, and they were crowded by the door.

Afraid that she would be squeezed in by others, Duan Xuan yanked her in front of her.

There were people around, and I couldn't find anything to support her. Sangzhi couldn't help but say, "I stand here and I have nothing to support."

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