Chapter 85

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For convenience, Duan Jiaxu drove the car directly to the airport.

She wanted to send San Zhi back to school halfway, but she wanted to send him back, and Duan Xu didn't stop. On the way, he contacted a reliable driver, and when he arrived at the airport, he accompanied her to wait for the driver.

He was not anxious and was not anxious at all, but he felt panic and dragged him to the airport: "Don't wait, I can't wait anymore."

Duan Jiaxu followed her strength and said with a smile, "It's early."

Sang Zhi: "I sent you to the security check and then came out again, the master should have arrived."

Duan Jiaxu thought for a while, but did not object: "Yes."

"I will go home on Labor Day without you coming over." Sang Zhi walked beside him and said slowly, "Also, I just bought you a box of food online and should be there tomorrow. . "

"it is good."

"Don't always eat takeaway, don't be too lazy to do it by yourself. You can go to my house for dinner if you are free. If you are embarrassed, you can call my brother together."

Duan Jiaxu thought it was funny: "At the age when I can marry someone, have I started to learn to bring children?"

"What is bringing a child?" Sang Zhi hit him. "I'm taking care of the elderly in my family."

Upon hearing that, Duan Jiaxu's brows frowned, and she didn't seem to care much about her words: "Huh? It's not old, it doesn't matter."


"It's yours."

When Duan praised the security check and Sang Zhi could not see his back, she left the airport. The master happened to be here too, and Sang Zhi greeted him before getting on the bus.

She opened WeChat and told Duan Jiaxu. Sang Zhi exited the chat window with him, glanced down bored, and noticed that Shi Xiaoyu sent a message ten minutes ago.

Shi Xiaoyu: [Have you seen Jiang Ying today? 】

Sangzhi hesitated to reply "um".

Shi Xiaoyu: [She just cried with me just after calling and didn't say what happened ...]

Xiaoyu Shi: [She's not feeling very well recently. If there is anything bad, I apologize to you. 】

Sangzhi understood instantly.

Probably because Jiang Ying couldn't ask her, so she asked her what had just happened.

Sang Zhiyan said concisely: [We just passed by and saw that she was scolded by a woman, and there was nothing else. She didn't do anything bad. 】

There was silence for a moment.

Shi Xiaoyu: [Okay, I see. thank you for telling me. 】

Shi Xiaoyu explained for Jiang Ying: [This has nothing to do with her, it is her stepfather's side, and her mother is also about to divorce. 】

Sang Zhi didn't care much about this, and returned with "um."

Shi Xiaoyu: [Well, I think it's inexplicable. Although I can understand the feelings of the family, this is a bit overdue ... It has nothing to do with Jiang Ying. She is not close to her stepfather. 】

Sangzhi did not reply this time.

Xiaoyu Shi: [In the past, Jiang Ying didn't figure it out. Because of this, she also had a bad time. She has not been happy for more than ten years, and she has few friends. Because of this matter, she wants to open some more, and she should never go to your boyfriend again. 】

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