Chapter 21

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This came as a surprise.

When Sang Zhi reached his lips, he took it back. She looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, and it was just past four thirty. There is an hour left at half past five.

There are uncontrollable little expectations fermenting in my heart, mixed with a few inexplicable tensions. But soon, thinking of what Yin Zhenru had just promised, her heart seemed to be missing a mouth, and all her emotions were missing.

Sang Zhi couldn't say a bit, but felt that it was not good to go against it, and looked in the direction of Yin Zhenru, looking very hesitant.

After waiting for her response, Sang Yan asked again, "Have you heard?"

Sangzhi snorted slowly, as if he didn't hear clearly.

Sang Yan reluctantly reiterated: "I said, Duan Xiaoxuan will pick you up at about five thirty. He should call you when you do, and you will write your homework in class first."

Mulberry: "Fifty-thirty?"

Sang Yan: "Well. Also, be honest with me today, don't bother anyone."

"..." Sang Zhi was trying to refute.

Sang Yan came up again with the phrase "I'm busy," and then hung up the phone without any care.

Listening to the mechanical beeping sound from the receiver, San Zhi put the phone down and looked at the screen silently. She put down her phone, swallowed her bag and started to pack her bag, and then limped to the door.

Yin Zhenru came and held her arm.

Walked a long way.

Thinking of the previous events, Sangzhi asked suspiciously, "You won't take me to Fu Zhengchu again."

"Ah?" Yin Zhen shook his hands and quickly waved. "No, I haven't played with him for a long time. He recently changed his personality and is studying all day long."

"Not just." Yin Zhenru didn't lie to her, Sangzhi didn't doubt it, just added, "Then I'll accompany you to eat something. But at five thirty, I have to come back and find my brother."

Yin Zhenru said nearby, in the back street of the school, in an alley out of Nanwu University. There are many small stalls and shops inside, and the two of them have been to several times before.

This way, it takes about an hour.

Yin Zhenru was silent for a few seconds, and nodded, "OK."

They went downstairs.

Sang Zhi walked slowly because of his legs and feet. One foot stepped on the step, and the other stepped on before stepping on the next step. She didn't let Yin really help her, she slowly moved on the armrest herself.

Yin Zhenru, who had spoken a lot before, didn't know why, but spoke very little today.

Sang Zhi took the initiative to raise a topic: "Why did you suddenly come to me today?"

"Huh?" Yin Zhenru seemed to be thinking about things, and was a bit slow. "Did I have been looking for you for a long time? Well, because I've been assigned to a class, and then I have met a few new friends, so I have no time to look for you. I will change Introduce you. "

Her popularity has always been good, and Sanzhi didn't care too much: "It's okay, I'll ask."

Yin Zhenru: "I missed you a bit, so I came to play with you."

Sangzhi nodded, her lip corners bent, and a pear vortex sank into her lips. Although she couldn't say anything nasty, she was very happy to hear her friend say that.

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