Chapter 30

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The weather in October was still hot, and the night was a little cool, but still couldn't hide the sullen mood.

At the instant of confirming that it was really childish, Duan praised his eyes slightly, subconsciously extinguished the cigarette butt, and suddenly noticed the lady's cigarette on the other hand.

His movements stopped.

Duan Jiaxu raised his eyes again and shook the cigarette in her hand: "Who taught you to smoke?"

I haven't seen in two years, the little girl is obviously a lot taller.

The last time I met him was just over his shoulder, this time he was able to reach his chin. Her facial features did not change much, but she opened a little longer, a little more girlish than her childish look before.

She wore a pink suspender tube top, light blue denim shorts, exposing a thin waist and nicely shaped clavicle, and two thin, straight legs.


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The hair color is naturally shallow, and it forms a small ball on the head, which looks beautiful and fresh.

It really is the eighteenth change of the female college.

Sangzhi couldn't fully react and stared at him neatly. After a while, she retracted her hand and murmured, "Not mine."

"My brother saw it with my own eyes," Duan Xia said in a lazy tone. "It fell from you."


"Isn't it good to learn small mulberries?"

Hearing the words "brother" from his mouth, Sangzhi still felt as if he had passed away. She didn't explain any more, just referring to the cigarette on his hand: "You don't smoke too."

"Why did my brother smoke in front of you?" Duan Jiaxu threw away the cigarette **** and put the pack of cigarettes in his pocket. "This, it's confiscated."

"..." I didn't expect him to come out like this, Sangzhi quickly said, "It's really not mine, it's my roommate."

"Huh?" Duan Jiaxu looked at her, and suddenly noticed something, ending slightly. "Children, don't mention anything else. I haven't seen my brother for so long, don't you call someone?"

Sang Zhi gave a lip, pursed his lips, and shouted very stiffly, "Compliment Brother."

"Come here to play?"


"When did the military training finish?"

As if he was questioned by his parents after returning home late, Sangzhi touched his head, and honestly said, "Last month, military training was for half a month."

"The National Day holiday is seven days away," Duan Jiaxu smiled. "Why don't you see your brother playing?"

Originally, I thought that if I hadn't seen each other for a long time, a small amount of communication was through social software. When talking face to face, both parties would be a little embarrassed.

No results.

She alone felt a little awkward.

Sang Zhi hit him and muttered, "I have something else."

Duan Jiaxu: "What is it?"


"Return to class?"

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