Chapter 65

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There were a lot of people outside the women's toilets, and the line had been discharged.

Sang Zhi didn't plan to go to the toilet, he just wanted to wash his face. She went straight through the gap between the person and the door, walked to the sink, and turned on the faucet.

Suddenly I noticed that my eyes were still red in the mirror, and the corners of her lips were straightened.

Sang Zhi felt a little embarrassed because she was crying because she was talking. She exhaled and wiped her face with a tissue.

Thinking of what she had said yesterday, and she uttered a dry mouth, Duan appreciated the indifferent attitude, and finally she thought that Sang Yan was quite reasonable.

Just after a drop of fire, it rose again.

Sang Zhi threw the paper towel into the trash can, went out of the toilet, and returned to his position with a stern face.

This is a table for four. At this time, Xu Xuan and Sang Yan sat on each side, one sitting outside and the other sitting on the side of the window.

Sang Zhi looked at the seat distribution and didn't want to sit with Sang Yan. She could only push and applaud, stiffly, "You sit inside."

"Niubian," Sang Yan said at this time. "How old are you, you have spoken out the term" brothership "."

After Duan Xuan moved a seat inside, Sang Zhi sat down as if he hadn't heard him. But when I think about it, I feel aggrieved, and quickly opens up: "That breaks the relationship."

"Where's the relationship?" Sang Yan chuckled, "Remind you, the eighteenth generation of the Sang family's single pass."

"..." Sangzhi looked at him, "I'll tell my aunt later."

"Oh." Sang Yan said, "One generation, single pass."

Seeing that they were arguing, Duan Xia didn't think it was a major event, and looked beside him with interest. Soon, he put the menu in front of Sang, interrupting their quarrel: "Order first."

Sang Zhi pursed her lips and started to turn the menu on fire.

Sang Yan, however, was endless, and continued to pour oil on the fire: "How long have we been together, can we bend our elbows again?"

"Can you make some sense?" The childishness was flaming, and the menu was closed fiercely. "The next time I go home, I will rush to your sister and give you a girlfriend's meal. What do you think?"

"Can these two be the same?" Sang Yan said, "White, eyes, wolf."

"How come I'm glaring? And, what's the difference?" Sangzhi quarreled with him. "It's wrong to hit someone anyway, isn't it reasonable for you to do it? It's not a serious matter."

"Reason?" Sang Yan stared at her for a few seconds before smiling. "Sorry, me, I don't like such a pretty solution."


"And, this classmate." Sang Yan's knuckles flicked on the table and slowly said, "I fight with my brother. What's your problem?"

"..." Sang Zhi looked at Duan Xiao immediately.

Duan Jiaxu sat on the chair with one hand on his side and looked at Sangzhi. He reached out and rubbed her head, and laughed, "Don't argue with your brother."

Sang Zhi said bluntly, "It's him who wants to quarrel with me."

Duan Jiaxu: "I hit him too, evened out."

Hearing that Sang Zhi glanced in the direction of Sang Yan and saw no wounds on his face. Comparing the two, it seems even more horrible that Duanxuan praised it.

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