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Song for chapter: matilda by harry styles

I whipped around to see Isa running at me in full speed, tackling me in a hug, as Andrew pecked Hailey on the cheek.

"Hey!" I laughed, smiling as I pulled away.
"What are you guys doing here? I thought you'd already gotten all your books?"

"Nah, " she said. "We came to surprise you. Can you believe it? Our third year of Hogwarts already?"

I sighed, "I really can't."

"And I'm turning thirteen tomorrow," Isa squealed. "Oh Zell, there's so much to look forward to."

"Are the Weasleys here too?" I asked, beginning to walk to Flourish and Blotts.
"Or Harry and Hermione?"

"Maybe," Isa shrugged.

When we arrived at Flourish and Blotts, it was beyond crowded with loads of people, and we barley managed to get through the entrance.

"Bloody hell," I had to yell for Isa to hear me.

"Are all books free today?"

"No, Lockhart's here."

Isa and I turned around to see Harry pushing through the crowd.

"Oh- by the way, the Weasleys are here, and so is Hermione. They'd love to-"

"It can't be- Harry Potter?"

I turned my head to see Gilderoy Lockhart dive forward, seizing Harry by the shoulders, pulling him to the front of the store.

Photographers began snapping photos, and Harry looked awkwardly at us. Me and Isa tried to argue with them, seeing that Harry was uncomfortable, but it amounted to nothing.

"Ladies and gentleman!" Lockhart exclaimed loudly. "What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to announce what I've been sitting on for quite some time!
"When this young lad stepped into
Flourish and ablotst today, he wanted to buy my autobiography, free of charge-"

"I don't want it," Harry said, shoving it back into Lockhart's hands.

"Nonsense!" Lockhart laughed. " And your school mates, in fact, will be getting the REAL magical me! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I will be taking up the role of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

The crowd cheered, and me and Isa lunged forward to grab Harry and drag him out of the crowd, trying to get away from Lockhart.
"Harry, are you alright?" I asked, placing him hands on his shoulders. "I mean, I-"

"Famous Harry Potter," a familiar voice said. "Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

Draco Malfoy walked up to us, sneering.

"Leave him alone, he didn't want all that!"
Ginny said harshly.

I turned around to see the Wesleys coming towards us.

"Ooh, Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend?" Malfoy laughed. "Four Weasleys in Here... I suppose your parents will have to go hungry for months to pay for all those books!"

"You shut up!" Isa snapped. Ron advanced at Malfoy and the twins held him back.

"Ron!" Mr Weasley shouted. "What are you doing?! It's too crowded, come outside!"
"Well, well, well, Arthur Weasley."

"Lucius," Mr Weasley mumbled, nodding coldly to Mr Malfoy.

"Busy time at the Ministry here. I hope they're paying you over time?"

He reached into Ginny's cauldron, which held her books, and tsked. "Obviously not.Dear me, what's the use to being a disgrace to the name of wizard and not even being paid well for it?"

"We have very different ideas of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy," Mr Weasley said.

"Clearly," Mr Malfoy said, looking at the Grangers who were watching apprehensively. 

"The company you keep, Weasley... and I thought your family could sink no lower."

"You're sick," I spat, stepping forward. "You wanna know who disgraces the name of wizard, Mr Malfoy? The pure evil you hold within you."

"Ah, Miss Black," Lucius Malfoy stepped toward me and quirked and eyebrow. "Your family left you. You have nothing. And yet the attitude you bring is still as fierce as your father."

"I am nothing like my father." I snapped.

"Yet, you still seem to take after him... no money living with your friends. Here- as an apology for having such horrible parents."

He shoved the books into my hands as I sneered into his face, breath heavy and eyes burning.

Ginny's caldron went flying, as Mr Weasley launched himself at Mr Malfoy.

The twins and Ron cheered Mr Weasley on as
Isa pulled me back.

Hagrid pulled them apart, and the Malfoy's
left, sneering at us.

"Zell," Mr Weasley said after he'd wiped his face with a handkerchief, "Are you quite alright?"

"Fine," I mumbled, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Now you don't have to pay for my books."

I smiled weakly and George glanced at me worriedly. "I- I'm gonna go find Hailey. I'II see you guys tomorrow at Kings Cross.
Happy... happy early birthday, Isa."

She nodded at me and my lip trembled as I turned around to go find Hailey.

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