Forty two

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"Wow," Hermione whispered, examining a chair without a leg. "Ghosts don't do that."

"It's too far fetched that this is hunted by Ghosts and whatnot," I said quietly.

There was a creak in the floorboards upstairs.

"This way," Isa said, beckoning us forward and looking at an old staircase.

We walked up cautiously, and needed up in a room with a large four poster bed.

On it was Crookshanks, purring. On the floor beside the bed was Ron, clutching his chest pocket and groaning. His leg was bent at an odd angle, possibly broken.

"Ron!" Hermione cried, rushing forward.

"The dog—" Ron choked. "Harry—"

"Be quiet," Harry said. "We'll talk later, let's get you help."

"No, Harry!" Ron gasped. "The dog— he's an animagus— it's a trap—"

"I know," I said, making everyone look at me. "Please calm down, it's just Sirius—"

"Wait, he's WHO?" Ron spluttered.

"She's going on about that thing at Christmas!" Harry snarled sharply.

"The thing that made them stop talking to each other, and Harry go insane!" Isa said angrily. "Harry listen to her, she could be right."

"I AM right," I said, gritting my teeth.

"No, that's impossible," Ron said. "But you— well—"

"Whose side are you on?" Harry asked nastily.

"Harry!" Isa warned.

"I'm just asking—"

"I'm telling the truth!" I cried. "The dog isn't going to hurt us!"

"Easy for you to say," Ron said, pointing at his leg.

"Trust her— it's fine— he won't hurt us. It's just Sirius... wherever he is..." Isa mumbled.

"Not the introduction I hoped for," My Dads voice said from the other room.

I smiled slightly as he stepped out from behind the door.

"Expelliarmus!" He cried. Hermione, Isa, and Harry's wands flew out of their hands.

"What was that for?" I inquired.

"Can't risk it," My dad said. "You need to give me time to explain myself."

Harry was breathing heavily and glaring at my dad.

"Dad," I said, eyeing Sirius. "You need to explain everything that happened, but be specific and don't over exaggerate. Harry already doesn't believe me."

Then suddenly, Harry launched himself at Sirius, who let Harry knock him over and steal his wand.

"Going to kill me, Harry?" My dad whispered, not looking afraid.

"You killed my parents," Harry snarled.

"Calm down!" Isa yelled

"Why should I?" Harry roared, turning back to me.

"Now, Harry—"

"Listen!" Isa and Hermione cried.

Footsteps were coming from the stairs.

"Who do you reckon it is?" Isa asked, approaching the doorway.

My uncle walked in. "Where is he, Sirius?" He asked.

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