Forty three

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𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨

Getting back through the tunnel toward the Whomping Willow proved to be more difficult than getting in. I assume I should've figured that out, but I didn't.

"You know what this means?" My dad asked me and I died to help Isa up the gap.

"What?" I inquired, wheezing slightly as Isa took my arm.

"I am free," he said. "Harry and Isa could move in with me and you, if they wanted to. I am all three of your guardians. Along with Remus."

"Really?" I gasped. "In Grimmauld place with you?"

"Yes," My dad said, smiling.

"That's brilliant!" I cried. "So—so we just wait for your name to be cleared and we could all live together?"

"Certainly," My Uncle said.

Somehow we all managed to twist ourselves and Snape's floating body through the gap. Crookshanks went ahead and pressed the knot to stop the Whomping Willow from murdering us. I really thought that at the rate we were going, we'd make it back to the castle just fine.

The grounds are incredibly dark now. The only light that reached us was from the windows, and even that light was dim. Pettigrew kept wheezing as we walked forward, and I felt a grand desire to kick him hard in the stomach, but at this point I could barely move without wanting to throw up and collapse on the floor and curl up in a fetal position, so I opted out of doing that.

We didn't talk much on the way to the castle, which made me worry about what was going on inside everyone's head. I sure hoped that Isa, Hermione, and Ron wouldn't need therapy after this.

Suddenly, there was a loud howl of wind, and the clouds overhead moved to let moonlight splash itself over all of us.

I froze immediately, staring at my uncle.

"He didn't take the potion!" I hissed. I stepped forward and grabbed my uncle's arm. "Uncle Remus—"

"Zell get away from him!" My Dad said, his eyes filled with fear. "All of you—RUN!"

But no one moved. Harry and Hermione were frozen with fear, staring terrified as my uncle began to shiver violently.

"Leave it to me!" My dad yelled. "RUN!"

There was a snarling noise and my Uncle swatted me aside, making me scream as I landed painfully on my side on a large rock. I heard a large crack when I hit the ground, and the pain was o blinding I saw a red flash before me.

"RUN!" I yelled to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Isa.

My uncle was beginning to transform, and it was happening much too quickly. Harry and Hermione weren't moving, they were much too afraid. If they didn't run—

Too late.

Much too late.

My dad transformed into a dog and launched himself onto my uncle as he became a full Werewolf. Their claws ripping at each other, yelps and growls piercing the previously silent night.

My Uncle tossed the dog aside, and my dad let out a loud yelp. My Uncle then turned to Hermione.

Without thinking, I transformed into a dog and jumped at him, knocking him down. I snapped my jaws and growled, slashing at him with my claws as he tried to push me off.

His hind legs kicked me in my stomach and made me fly back. The werewolf leapt into me and bit me hard in the neck, making me yell so loudly that Hermione began to wail. I waved my paws around madly, trying to cut his face in any way I could to get him off of me. I would never, ever, want to hurt my uncle, but if I didn't get him off me he would kill me.

It was futile. I was much too tiny to do anything. Ignoring the blinding pain I felt, I forcefully threw him off me, cutting him across the shoulder and growling loudly.

My Uncle let out a pained howl and began running straight for the Forbidden Forest. I looked around as I transformed back, feeling more nauseous than I'd ever felt in my life. I had neve transformed into my animagus to fight an animal before. It's probably to date the worst experience of my life.

"ZELL!" Hermione screamed, running toward me as I landed eagle sprawled on mr back. I breathed unsteadily, grabbing my neck wildly.

Crap. It was torn open from the bite my Uncle had given me. The wounds around transfer back. Crap, crap, crap.

"P-Pettigrew?" I croaked, spitting out blood. "W-where did he g-go?"

"He turned into a rat and disappeared!" Harry said angrily. "He cursed Ron!"

I forced myself to sit up and my eyes widened as I saw Ron was barley unconscious—I was unable to recognize anyone, from what it looked like.

"Sirius!" Harry yelled to the heap to be my dad. "Pettigrew's gone! He transformed!"

My father forced himself up and began to run down the grounds in pursuit of the rat.

"We'd better get you all tk the castle and tell someone," Harry said, trying to pick uo Ron as Hermione attempted to help me up.

From the distance there was a loud and painful whine.

"D-Dad," I choked, spitting out more blood. "W-We have to—to help—"

"Zell sit down!" Hermione pleaded as I began to get up.

But I didn't listen. I began to stagger down the way my dad had gone. I didn't care how hurt I was, I couldn't just leave my Dad alone, in pain.

Behind me, Hermione and Harry began to follow. I ran as fast as I could until I reached the edge of the Black Lake where we found my dad as a man, crouched on all fours, moaning in pain.

"No...please," I said, my voice cracking.

"Look!" Hermione screamed.

Turning my head to look was probably a bad idea. But not only did it hurt me physically, but it hurt me mentally. How the HELL were we going to tackle hundreds of dementors coming our way?

"Hermione, Zell, think of something happy!" Harry yelled, raising his wand.

I took mine out of my pocket and raised it, mustering as much strength as I could.

"E-Expecto Patronum..." I gagged, sending feeble and useless light to the dementors.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled. "Expecto Patronum!"

"Expecto P-P-Patronum!" I cried, tears beginning to flood out of my eyes. There were so many many of close...

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry bellowed. "Hermione, help us! Expecto Patronum!"

"Expecto—" Hermione whispered. "Expecto—Expecto—"

She couldn't do it.

The dementors were the feet away from us now, and closing in, forming some sort of wall around us.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry yelled at the top of his lungs. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Hermione tried once more, but simply shuddered and shook her head. She looked at me, eyes wide; and simply collapsed out of fear.

I looked at my hand and gagged, my vision becoming dizzy. This was it. This was the end...

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