Thirty six

7 1 0

Song for chapter: all I had by Isabella kensington

t had a few weeks since Jacob and I had broke up, and I still hadn't gotten over it.

New Years Eve had passed, and everyone had returned to Hogwarts. Quidditch practices with Madam Hooch watching over us had returned, lessons returned, and the looming feeling over me, had once again, returned.

"Alright," Wood said at practice. "I've just figured out who's playing Seeker in Ravenclaw. Cho Chang. She's a pretty good Seeker, actually. I had hoped she wouldn't be fit... she's had some problems with injuries in the past."

Wood scowled because Cho Chang had made a full recovery. "On the other hand, she rides a Comet Two Sixty, which is going to look like a joke next to the Firebolts." He sighed. "Okay, everyone. Let's go!"

I mounted my Firebolt that I suspected my dad had gotten me for Christmas, and sighed. To the lightest touch, it sped up with so much speed both me and Harry looked like a crimson blur.

"Harry, I'm letting the Snitch out!" Wood called.

Within ten seconds, Harry had clasped his hand around the Snitch, and Isa, Hermione, and Ron, cheered from the stands. This, by far, was the best practice we'd ever had.

Because Oliver Wood didn't have a single criticism.

And Oliver Wood always has a criticism.


As the Gryffindor team entered the Great Hall this morning, all heads turned in the direction of our Firebolts, and there was a great deal of excited muttering. Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's came to look, clapping both me and Harry on the back and congratulating us.

At a quarter to eleven, the team set off to the locker rooms.

It was a clear, cool day, with a light breeze. I could hear the rest of the school gathering in the stands, chatter beginning to fill my ears as we walked out of the locker rooms and out onto the field, hearing a tremendous applause.

The Ravenclaw team, dressd in blue, were already on the field, and Harry blushed as Cho Chang smiled at him.

I nudged him. "Don't lose focus," I mumbled. "They're our enemy. We need to win."

He nodded anxiously as Wood and Davies shook hands.

"Mount your brooms on my whistle," Mdma Hooch said. "Three-- Two-- One--"

I kicked off into the air immeditaley, jumping up and swerving under two Ravenclaw Chasers, and passing the Quaffle to Angelina.

"They're off, and the big excitement this match are not one, but two Firebolts by Harry Potter and Giselle Black who are flying for Gryffindor." Lee said. "According to 'Which Broomstick,' theFirebolt's going to be the broom of choice for this year's World Championship--"

"Jordan, would you mind telling us what'sging on in the match?" McGonagall interrupted.

"Right you are Proffesor-- just giving a bit of background information-- the Firebolt, incedentally, has a built in auto-brake and--"


"Okay, okay, Gryfindor in possesion, Katie Bell of Gryffindor heading for the goal..."

I swooped by Katie, grabbing the Quaffle she had just scored and was heading to Angelina when I noticed Cho kept crossing Harry's path.

Apparently Fred had noticed too, and yelled "Show her your acceleration Harry!"

He whoosed past in sight of a Bluger that was aiming for me.

Angelina scored again and passed it to me, which I then threw to Katie, who swerved wildly.

I saw Harry dive out of the corner of my eye followed closley by Cho.

A Bludger came pelting out of no where, and Harry narrowly avoided it.

George began to aim a Bludger at the offending Beater, who was forced to roll over in mid air to avoid it.

"Gryffindor leads eighty points to zero, and look at that Firebolt go! Potter's putting it through its paces now, see it turn-- Chang's comet is just no match for the Firebolts precision-- balence is really noticeable in these long--"


Ravenclaw was pulling back: they had scored goals which means we were only fifty points ahead-- If Cho caught it before Harry, Ravenclaw would win.

Me, Angelina, and Katie were now flying at insane speeds, dodging Ravenlaw Chasers, but Cho was blocking Harry from getting the snitch.

"HARRY THIS IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN!" Isa roared into the microphone as Harry swerved to avoid collision. "KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO!"

Cho decided to mark Harry, rather than search the snitch herself.


Harry was now diving toward the bottom of the field, trying to lose Cho.

"Oh!" She yelled in surprise.

Everybody looked down to see three dementors on the field, and three dementors emerged. I cursed, but Madam Hooches whistle had sounded.

Harry had caught the snitch.

George flew over to me and positioned his broom beside mine to lean over and pick me up, setting me down lightly.

"We won," he said, a wide smile on his face. "And Harry just shot down Malfoy."

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

He pointed down to the dementors, and I saw Malfoy and his goons climb out from large black robes.

"Those tossers!" I hissed.

Ilooked Harry was, being hughef by Angelina and Katie and squeezed to death by Wood.

"WE WON!" Mazzy squealed, running onto the field and hugging me, then letting go to lock her lips onto Wood's.

Ron and Hermione ran down to meet us.Ron immediately went to congratulate Harry, but Hermione came to me first and threw her arms around me.

"He made a Patronus!" She cried. "He almost made a corporeal one!"


"Oi!" George said, patting Hermione's shoulder. "Did you see it's Malfoy?"

"Malfoy?" Hermione asked in disbelief, turning to see Draco Malfoy being yelled at by McGonagall.

"'Unbelievable!" She cried. "Oh, he got what he deserved!"

"That he did," I mumbled, looking over at the boy as we walked back to the common room.

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