Chapter 7

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You encounter many of those monsters and you only take their hearts or slice them in half.

You ate their hearts to gain your energy back due to how much blood the two have drunk from you and you were already feeling exhausted which is why you're eating the hearts of these monsters you just found in this dungeon.

You walk around the dungeon while holding another heart from your right hand and a dead monster on your left dragging it on the floor.

Just then you heard a muffled noise on the cell beside you and saw a man already on the verge of dying as he was catching for his breath.

He was severely injured and even some of his limbs are already broken and have many huge cuts on his flesh.

The man felt your presence as he struggled to look at your bloody state because of how many monsters you just killed and eat many hearts which is why you're full of blood on your face and hands.

The man tried to speak.


You didn't quite catch what he said and decided to drop the dead monster your dragging and went inside the cell and kneel down in front of the dying man.

"Sorry I didn't catch what you're saying"

You said while the man struggled to speak.


"Kill? You want me to take your life?"

The man nodded weakly as he was struggling to stay alive because of his state while you just looked at him and then spoke.

"Do you want the easy way out?"

You asked and the man looked at you confused but then nod as he just wanted to end his suffering.


You swing your tail on his throat quickly and he didn't even have the time to feel the pain as he dropped dead quickly.

Just then the blue smoke started coming out from his mouth which is his soul while you looked at it and lean your hand to it.

"I won't eat your soul, you deserve a nice rest"

You said and let his soul disappear from thin air while you stood up and dusted yourself and was about to go when you saw a swarm of moths block the cell.

"Another little one, lost like a mouse~"

A woman's voice while it turns into a figure revealing another woman and this time a blonde one and her gem stone on her neck was red which means this is another one like those two.

"Bloody hell, so there's three of them? Great just great"

You mumbled while the blonde noticed the dead man and then gasped before glaring at you.

"You- how dare you kill our last stock of food!? Oh I have tried my hardest to capture that one!"

Just then she started charging at you and swung her sickle only for you to block it with your tail while she got surprised.

"You're not normal!? What are you?"

She asked before pushing your tail away and swarm into moths, going on your back and swinging her sickle only for you to deflect her attacks with your tail.

"Whatever it is, you're gonna be the new food of ours, so why don't you be like an obedient little puppy and just let me capture you?"

You block her attack again and only scoff at her demand.

"Sorry, obedience is not in my name"

You said before pushing her away and tackled her on the ground as she groaned while you grew out claws and kept her in place.

"Don't make me take your heart out"

You threatened while she just hissed at you but chuckled as she suddenly scattered into moths switching your places as she now pinned you on the ground while she kept you firmly in place.

"Fuck...forgot about that.."

You sigh in annoyance while the blonde just chuckled and sniffed your scent before licking her lips.

"You smell so delicious...maybe a little bite won't hurt~"

She immediately sunk her teeth on your neck making you groan and held her shoulder tightly trying to take her off on top of you but to no avail.

*damn just how strong are they to keep their firm this strong!?*

You thought while her hands then held your face and moved it to the side for her to gain more access on your neck.

All your strength was again wasted by how much blood this blonde had drunk in you while you were beginning to feel your consciousness fading but then she pulled away just as you were about to pass out.

She just licked her lips and then your neck.

"My~ your blood tasted so different from the others I have drank before..oh I would like to keep you~"

She said before getting off you and then you felt something stab your lower leg that made you wake up and screamed in pain.

She stabbed her sickle on your lower leg and started dragging you while laughing as she dragged you out of the dungeon and took you all around the halls before stopping to a place you're not familiar with.

She then stops dragging you and only puts down your leg with the sickle still stabbed in it.

You groaned while still at the floor and the blonde spoke.

"Mother, I found a rather special.. intruder"

She said and you heard a familiar giggle and looked to the side only to see the two earlier.

"My Pumpkin~"

"Back off that's my blood bag"

They tried to bump each other's arm trying to approach you but then the blonde stopped them and hiss.

"Go away, I'm the one who captured her so she's mine!"

The three argue while you heard a loud sigh coming from behind and you slowly looked only to see a a tall woman sitting while drinking a blood wine.

"Now, now my daughters. there's plenty Enough for everyone but first.."

She put her glass down and stood up revealing she's a 9 foot tall woman and it made you very very little by her.

"I must see why this one caught your attentions"

She looked down at you and your jaw just dropped.

"Holy shit.. she's huge"

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