Chapter 19

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Taking one of them by the throat as you pulled him up while the others tried to attack you but was soon sent away when they were hit by a huge metal controlled by Heisenberg.

Your creature then started tackling one of them and started biting like they are a chew toy of his while Ethan used a shotgun to shoot them away.

"Is this all you got?"

You asked the guy you're holding on the throat and he tried to fight but failed as you just chuckled before breaking his neck and then his soul started coming out from his mouth and you opened your mouth to eat his soul.

Just then more soul came out from the others that was killed by Ethan and the others while you immediately take all of it and suck every soul that you see.

Just then you look at the woman ready to take her soul as well when you suddenly felt something and you groan while black marks of veins started crawling in your face and body for a sec while the others notice this and got cautious.

"What the f*ck is happening to you now!?"

Heisenberg asked while Ethan kept his gun pointed at the enemies while looking at you.

You then groan more before the black veins disappeared and you sigh in relief before standing up and composed yourself while you look at them and raise your brow.


"What do you mean what!? What just happened!?"

"Relax, that's just how I am when I eat souls"

You said before Looking at your enemies.

"Now where were we? Ah yes, more souls"

You said before immediately disappearing in their sight and then one by one the enemies are being killed or slice in half while more soul came out and you are absorbing it everytime you kill one of them before attacking another.

The woman was getting frustrated as her men was getting killed like a bug while she slowly move back and tried to go back inside the bar to warn the other people but then Heisenberg sent some huge metal and blocked the door to prevent her from going inside.

"Going somewhere?"

Heise said while smirking while the woan just glared at her before looking for an escape when suddenly you appeared Infront of her not too far away while you swing your tail blade to the side and looked at her.

"Better Think fast, I haven't eaten souls for a while and I crave for more"

You said while swinging your tail blade to her side to which she immediately avoided being slice while she glared at you and gritted your teeth before taking a syringe and you raise your brow.

"Is that supposed to scare me?"

"No, this one"

She stab herself with the syringe and took the green thing inside Before throwing the empty syringe.

Just then you felt something while your tail became cautious and Heisenberg click his tongue.

"Get away! She's turning into one of those creature!"


Before you could even react, you were push harshly and someone bit your shoulder and started taking you away.

Ethan and Heisenberg immediately went after you as well as your creature who already catch up with the beast that was taking you in the middle of the forest.

Your creature tackled her to the ground and you landed on the snow while you groan and held your shoulder before sitting up and you can see your creature fighting the woman who was now an ugly beast.

Your wounds healed up and then stood up while you grew your claws before walking towards them.

Your creature was sent flying by her and you use your tail to catch your creature but you avoided him being cut by the tip of your tail while you charged at the beast.

You swing your claw to the side before disappearing in her sight when she was about to attack you.

You then swing your claw again and then disappeared and so on while she growled in pain because her wounds were met with another slash of your claws to which it was slow to healing now.

You then appeared in the air and was about to go for the neck when you felt someone familiar and then saw a black feather appeared Infront of you for a sec before it got swayed by the winds.

You got distracted by that and she manage to grabbed you by the throat and you groan while glaring at her.

"Unhand me you vile beast!"

You swing your tail to cut her hands off while she screamed in agony and went feral while you landed on the ground and held your throat for a sec before looking at her.

"Alright, it's getting pretty boring and I'm getting hungry for your soul that is full of sin"

With that you jump in the air and strike her throat as you slit it and her head fell off and you landed on the ground.

Her soul then started appearing out of her mouth and you immediately grabbed it by your hand.

"Honestly, those strange liquid you took...reminds of me of someone"

You mumbled before eating her soul and you notice Heisenberg and Ethan's presence while they just got here and you looked at them.

"I see you already took care of her"

"Troublesome but I'll manage"

"Well should we head back now?"

"Yeah, I'm sure the others are getting worried especially your daughter, rose"

You replied before they nodded and started leaving now. Meanwhile you notice the black feather on the ground and you kneel down to take it before examining the feather.

You tried to look around but didn't find that feeling of someone familiar now before shrugging it off and followed after the others.

Unbeknownst to you, you were being watched by someone as a smile crept up to their face.

"How interesting you've become, child"

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