Chapter 16

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You were walking through the forest with rose as the atmosphere was awkward.

You did explain that back at the castle which she was too shocked and decided not to talk about it for a while and hence both of you both walk silently as you went out of the castle and walk through the forest.

Luckily rose broke the awkward atmosphere and started a conversation.

"So...I still can't believe that you agreed to let your blood be consumed by them.."

"It stings but not a problem for me and besides I can't think of any reason for what to give to alcina's daughters as a thanks"

"But why the daughters?"

"Because alcina told me to"

"Huh...that's strange and here I thought alcina would like to taste your blood as well"

"Well..she never did asked me like how her daughters asked for my blood I guess she prefers the maidens blood more than an immortal creature like her"

"I don't think that's the reason but anyway, we're here"

She said and you stop at some factory which is huge and you can already see some lycans lurking around this area.

You walk inside the factory and look around while rose leads you the way to his father and Heisenberg.

As you walk around you can see some of the creatures which is experimented by Heisenberg and you were quite impressed by his works.

Just then one of it fell down and slowly stood up while you stop at your tracks and looked at it.

It slowly approached you and rose notice you stop walking and turned around only to see that creature and went close to you.

"Hey, we should get going since this creature is new and it might not recognize anyone for now"

She said and tug your shirt but you only gesture your hand to her and kept your eyes at the creature as you let it came towards you.

The creature stop Infront of you and rose kept pulling you away from it.

"Y/n, it is not the time to mess around with heise experiment"

You didn't respond and kept your eyes at the creature and you suddenly spoke to it.


With that the creature kneel down to you and you grin slightly as rose was surprised and looked at you.


"The creature is experimented with some of the body part of a human but half of it is a wolf, wolf are tend to listen to their alpha and since this one might think I am the alpha because it felt my aura"

You said and patted it's head.

"Wolves are loyal as well so I'll be keeping this one"

"Your gonna keep it like it just a normal pet? Are you mad?"

"What? It's not like it's anything new to us, I mean your talking to patient 0 of mother Miranda right now"

"Fair enough i- you know what? Let's just get to dad"

She said and went going while you followed behind and the creature followed you as well like a loyal dog.

You reach heise chamber and rose open the door revealing his father and heise which heise is doing his work while Ethan was helping him until he saw you and rose.

"Rose, welcome home"

He gave his daughter a warm smile and rose went towards his father to give him a hug while heise stop working and looked at you only to be surprised when he saw one of his experiment behind you.

"Is that my newest lab rat? What is he doing here? And why is he with you?"

"I'm gonna take this one since it already see me as his owner"

"Owner? My new experiment can't be tame that easily for a moment as they mostly go feral yet you tamed it?"

"It's Half wolf, it is smart to think that he finds me as an alpha or else you would lose your newest lab rat if it went feral and attack me"

He just chuckled and took his cigarette while Ethan then spoke to you.

"How is your life at the castle? Alcina told me that her daughters liked you very much"

"My blood is what they like not me but anyway why did you called for me?"

"Ah well, we were about to go to a nearby village"

"The one that is abandoned?"

"No, there is another village here that is build by the people who remained alive and actually the creatures who attacked us back then"

"Oh? So this creatures can turn to human?"

"Yes, which is why they are smarter than the lycans"

"So what are we gonna do today?"

"As I said we'll go to the village and disguised ourselves as one of them, usually they won't suspicious any person wearing the same cloak as them so it won't be a problem"

"Beside this is our way to know what they'll do for their next attack"

Ethan explain before tossing you an old cloak as he and heise started wearing the cloak.

"Rose, I want you to stay here"

"Stay? But I want to come with you"

"It is too dangerous, rose. Please stay here until we get back okay?"

Rose didn't respond as she was upset for a little and Ethan looked at her sincerely.

"Rosemary, promise me you'll stay here and won't follow us"


Ethan smiled and kiss his Daughter on the forehead before moving away and went towards you while you wore the clothes as well.

"I'm gonna tell two of my lycans to keep an eye to your daughter while we're gone so no need to worry about it papa"

Heise said while Ethan smack his head while he Chuckled and you were surprised by the nickname.


"Please don't ask why"

"Wait are you guys-"

"I really don't want to explain everything that had happened before you and rose got here"

You went silent as he said and just went going with them but heise notice the creature following you.

"Oh so this one is coming with us?"

"He could be useful so might give him an old cloak"

You said to which heise sigh and went back to grab another cloak and gave it to you while you approached your creature and put a cloak in it.

"I can't believe you just took one of my best test subject"

"Not my fault you combine a wolf and human when you know wolves are loyal"

"That's why I did experimented on that only for you to be the owner?"

"Both of you let's not start a fight and just went going?"

"Alright Ethan but that's because you said so"

"....I'm beginning to think I'm interrupting this date" you replied.

"You are.." heise said jokingly.

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