Chapter 30

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The girls were lurking around the village while you kept an eye on them In case one of them just decided to take some random maiden.

Rose on the other hand was behaving well to your surprise but that's also fine since you only have to keep an eye on the three rather than four of them.

You were behind the three while rose was beside you and you were having a conversation with rose and suddenly you spotted a shop which is full of...statue of a real dead crows.


Rose mumbled and you just continue to looked at it. Meanwhile the three were looking around searching for maidens to capture.

"I don't see any maidens.."

"Nor do I smell them.."

"Keep a low profile sisters, we don't want these men thing to be alerted-"

Bela suddenly bump into someone and it's a man to which she suddenly hiss.

"Watch it you man thing!"

The mand furrowed his brows before responding.

"Man thing? You dare speak to me woman!"

You heard the man yelled and you turn your head and sigh.

"I just look away for a sec"

You mumbled and started approaching since some of the villager looked at their direction.

Rose followed behind as the man kept on yelling to the three.

"A woman should not talk to someone superior as us men!"

"You should watch it you man thing before I slit your throat"

"You dare-"

The man was about to burst when you suddenly went in between them.

"Another woman!?"

"Apologies..for my..girls if they offended you somehow, sir"

"This is beyond offending me, they dare talk back to me? We men a superior here and any woman who dares to even talk back to us is nothing but punishment to get"

He said and was about to take bela's arm but then you stopped him by grabbing his arm and he looked at you angrily.

"Get your hands off-"

He suddenly stop once he felt something coming from you while you continued to hold his arm and looked at him.

"I'm sure you value your life right?"


"If you do, turn back forget this happened and never ever come close to these girls again"


"This is a warning, and I'm sure the parasyte inside you can understand the threat no?"


"I'll spare you this time but I suggest you to never show your face to me, lowborn parasyte"

With that you let go of the man and he couldn't stop shaking from the fear he felt from you as he back away and turn around as he yelled.


he said before walking away and the villager had now slowly dispersed but some of them had their eye on you.

"...we need to go back"

"Why? We haven't got anything food to stock"

"We already made a scene, I guess every men here thinks they are far more superior"


"Let's go girls"

Daniela pouted while Cassandra just clicked her tongue and bela on the other hand was quiet but was clearly annoyed by that man.

"If that man thing only watch his way, none of this would've happened"

"I know but for now we should keep a low profile"

You said and turn back while you gesture them to go to the forest now and they just sigh and turned around as they started walking.

You can feel some eyes following your every move and you already know that it won't be easy to get back to the castle.


You were now on the forest walking back through the castle and you can tell the girls was not satisfied since they didn't get anyone as their food stock.

"I wanna slash that man thing's throat" Cassandra hiss.

"If not for him, we would still be there maybe even found a maiden to capture" Daniela mumbled.

"All of this for nothing" bela groaned.

You kept quiet since you can hear more footsteps that is not yours and definitely not the girls footsteps.

"It's actually not futile"

"What do you mean?"

"All I can say is, get ready"

You said and suddenly swing your tail to the side only to slice one random guy as he fell down.

"Because things are about to get pretty handy"

More random people came out while some of them are beast and they surrounded you while the girls now grabbed their sickle and hiss.

"Finally! Fun!" Cassandra giggled.

"I'll take that one" Daniela laugh.

"I hate men" bela groaned while hissing at some of them.

Rose and you just looked at them one by one.

"Think we can finish them before sunrise?"

"Of course, these men are just lowlife creatures, a little warm up won't be bad and this way we can bring some food home"

"Okay, whatever you say y/n"

Rose said while you just cracked your neck and your fingers as your tail swing cautiously.

"So, which one is next?"

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