Chapter 21

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It was already midnight and you were resting in the room you stayed in with alev on the sofa sleeping soundly as well.

Though something went past your window that made your instincts triggered and you immediately became cautious as you opened your eyes wide awake.

You sat up and looked through your window but saw nothing, though you can't help but feel aware that something was lurking around outside the castle.

You then decided to get off the bed and went out of the room while you started walking through the dark halls trying to sense that thing.

It was the familiar feeling you felt earlier when you and the others were walking through the forest to return back but you can't seem to understand what it is that is watching you or following you.

Your footsteps can be heard around the dark halls but you didn't pay heed and kept your focus on the feeling of someone watching you.

You walk past another window and the light of the full moon took a glimpse on your face and you were about to keep going when a shadow went past the window again and you immediately turn to face the window but only saw nothing but feathers.

You opened the window and took one feather to examine it. It was the same feather that you saw earlier while you were fighting.

"The same black feather.."

You want to confirm this as you immediately went through the windows and pop your wings as you flew around the castle to find that shadow thing that went past the window.

For a while of flying you can feel that it is slowly disappeared because you can't seem to sense it anymore but you still kept finding.

Just then you notice a figure on the roof as it went inside the castle and you immediately landed there and run through where it goes.

You rush towards inside and hope to catch that thing before it disappears again. You run around the castle and you spot a glimpse of it to your side and immediately turned and tackle it to the ground.

Your wings spread wide open and as you caught it.

"Found you!-"

You stop once you saw a blonde hair and notice it was bela you caught as she was struggling from your hold while she glared at you.

"Unhand me you-"

"Did you spot anyone?"

"Spot what? If I did I would've already slice them with my sickle. Now unhand me you human bird!"

"A human what-"

You felt offended as bela just gritted her teeth and hiss at you before she suddenly swarm into flies and then switch your places while she push your head to the floor.

"Tackling me to the ground at this late at night? What are you scheming of?"

"Your hurting my wings"

She just furrowed her brows and push your head more to the ground while you can't move and your wings are trap.

Though bela find your wings quite beautiful because of how clean it is like the wing of an angel though she shrug it off but careful enough not to ruin some of your wings.

"Explain yourself, little one"

"As if you would believe me"

"Try me"

"...I had a feeling of someone following me and watching my every movement"

"Might be one of my sisters"

"Figure you'd say that"

You said as you still struggled from her but she keep you pinned down to the ground.

"Can you let go of me?"

"After you tackled me?"

"It was an accident, I thought your the thing I was trying to catch"

"Well you should at least be careful next time you tried tackling someone, your lucky I didn't slice you with my sickle"

"Hey, that won't kill me remember?"

She just hiss at you while you just sigh at the situation your in right now.

"Look, I apologies if I tackled you so sudden, I didn't mean it"

She didn't say anything as she just kept you pinned on the ground but you felt a cold metal on your cheeks as she lean her sickle to your face and slice it slightly as your blood drips from your face.

"I might let you off the hook if you..let me drink some of your blood"

"Haven't you already drink enough from your stock-"

"It's either you let me or I'll force you"

"Fine, alright, Damn"

She suddenly let go of your head and you sat up but was immediately turned around to face her while she pushed you through the walls and licked the blood on your cheeks before she licked her lips.

"Stay still"

"What am I? Your dog- ouch!"

You felt her teeth sank into your neck as you can already feel her sucking your blood.

You groaned while you held onto her shoulder. You felt like all energy you got from eating souls got drained immediately by her while you just gritted your teeth slightly.

After a minute she pulled away and lick her lips.

"Warn me next time?"

You said and she just scoff before leaning again and lick the blood from your neck.

She lick your neck up to your jaw, she was enjoying this too much.

"Hey now I'm not really a fan of intimacy"

"Hush it, this is the only thing that is intimate about us nothing more so don't even think about this would turn into more"

"Hey, I'm not saying anything"

"Though I must admit, your blood really does taste divine"

She then slid her fingers through your neck as she look at the veins.

"If not for this blood, I would've already give you no mercy"

"You really hate me do you?"

"'s not that I hate you, I just find you annoying is all"


She then went off you as she stood up.

"Anyway, I'm gonna head back as I'm done patrolling"

She said and you just stood up as you retracted your wings and just crack your head.

"Im gonna return as well, all that flying and running plus you draining me almost made me all exhausted"

She let out a Chuckle before replying.

"That wouldn't happen if you hadn't tackled me down"

"How many times should I said it was an accident?"

"Multiple until I forget"

"I doubt you'll forget that"

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