Chapter 10

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Without hesitation one of the creatures jumped towards you and you sliced it in half while it was on air as you only dodged its half body.

Then the others attacked you all at once and you only dodge them and swing your tail and slice them.

You then grab one of the creatures and pull him up as it struggles in your grip.

"At least you have a soul for me to eat"

You said as you broke the creature neck and the blue smoke started coming out from its mouth which is the creatures soul as you open your mouth and absorb the soul before dropping the creatures dead body.

Just then all the creatures turn their attention to you when they saw that as black veins started spreading your face after you absorb one of the creatures soul before it disappeared and look at them.

The girls saw it as well and was surprised even more.

"Did she just absorb something from that ugly thing?"

The ginger said as rose notice all the creatures started surrounding you and didn't pay heed to them no more.

You notice it as well as your tail swing cautiously while you look at them one by one.

They were growling at you and their eyes are full of nothing but hunger as some of them are even drooling.

You just smiled a bit and lean down slightly, ready to fight them.

"Come on, I haven't eaten since I got here so I'm quite hungry and all your soul would be enough to satisfy me"

Just then one fo them roared so loudly it can be heard from the outside as the other joined it's roar before charging at me all at once.

You didn't hesitate and charge at them as well while you grew out your claws and use your tail blade at the same time.

Slicing them in half or taking their hearts out while you were enjoying this as your smiling like a child.

This made the three dimitrescu daughters looked at you with surprised on their face.

"Hot~" the ginger said.

"Damn" the brunette said.


The blonde didn't say anything though her face shows she's amuse by you but kept it low-key.

Just then the remaining creatures was quite big compare to the others and it manage to charged at you and brought you all the way to the room.

It was about to throw you but then you manage to escape it's grasp and took a few step back.

You looked at it as it before swinging your tail at it only for the creature to dodge it which shows that this thing is more cautious than the others.

The girls then was about to help you when you stopped them.

"I can handle this one"

"Are you sure? We can always lend you a hand"

Rose said and you just shake your head.

"Nah, I like challenge"

"hmph, don't be too prideful. This one is smarter than the other creature you've just killed"

The blonde said and you just looked at her.

"That's why I want this one, a good warm up is fine for me"

You said and the creature then charged at you and you just dodge it and the creature manage to broke one of the vases which made the three girls gasped in disbelief.

Patient Zerø(Dimitrescu sisters x FEM reader)Where stories live. Discover now