Chapter 10

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"Kate guess what!" Justin exclaimed after he kissed me.

"What?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"My mom, dad, Jaxon, and Jazmyn are coming to visit!" He replied excitedly, hugging me back.

"That's so exciting! This will be the first time I meet your family." I exclaimed.

"I love my mom so much!" Justin gushed. I know right, mamas boy all the way.

"I'm sure ill love them too! When are they coming?" I asked.

"Tomorrow!" He replied. I laughed at how excited he was.

"I love you Justin." I exclaimed and then kissed him.

"I love you too!" He replied. We spent the next couple if hours prank calling stores and seeing there reaction when Justin told them who he was. A lot of them didn't believe it and then some just started to freak out. This one girl answered and as soon as she heard Justin's voice she started hyperventilating! Justin asked for her twitter name and followed her. Not only is Justin sweet to me but he's sweet to his fans too. He goes out of his way to make them happy.

"You know my friend Anna?" I asked.

"Yah I'v heard you talk about her before." He answered.

"Well she's a huge fan. So do you think she could come over and you could meet her?"

"Of course! You didn't have to ask. I'd do anything for you!" Justin exclaimed hugging me close.

"She's gonna psyched!"


"I think they're here!" Justin exclaimed then dragged me to the door. He swung it open and practically jumped into his mothers arms. He hugged his dad and siblings. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous I would never get to do that. I didn't have a family.

"How was the plane ride?" Justin asked Jazmyn.

"Fun!" She exclaimed.

"Awww that's good." Justin replied. I felt sorta out of place. I was watching these people hug, laugh, and catch up. All I could think was, the last time this happened to me was years ago.

**flash back** 

We all gathered in the living room. My cousins and I played with some Legos. I could hear the adults in the background laughing.

"Katie!" My father yelled lovingly. He swooped me up in his arms and hugged me. He handed me over to my mom and she kissed my cheek. We were a family. I was once loved and we were happy.

**End of Flash back**

I quickly wiped a tear from eye before anyone could see.

Justin and I gave Jaxon and Jazmyn piggy back rides. I loved they laughed and yelled "weee!" Every time we would run. I had taken a great liking towards Jazmyn, she was so sweet and adorable.

"Katie! Faster!" Jazmyn yelled. I immediately stopped in place. Only my Dad used to call me that.

"Don't stop! Faster!" Jazmyn giggled. I laughed and then sped up. I could make an exception for an adorable sweet little kid.

"I'm tired!" I said, setting Jazmyn down on the couch.

"Me too! All that laughing was tiring!" She giggled. Pattie came over and insisted that Jazmyn had to get to bed. I gave her a goodnight hug before she was whisked off to bed.

"I think that's Selena." I said getting up. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Kate!" Selena exclaimed giving me a hug.

"You just missed Jaxon and Jazmyn! They just went to bed!"

"Seriously! Well I'll see them tomorrow. Are you ready to go?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just have say goodbye to Justin." I replied then ran off to find him.

"I'm going now."

"You should come over tomorrow! Jazmyn really likes you!" He suggested as he enveloped me in a hug.

"I'll try to, but I have really been skimping off of time with Selena and I can tell its bothering her. But she's to sweet to say anything."

"You're right you spend all your time with me. I guess I'm just not good enough!" He cried dramatically.

"Your a drama queen!" I exclaimed.

"Your hurtful words burn holes through my heart!" He wailed pretending to fake cry.

"Ok then, but I gotta go!" I said. Justin laughed then placed a loving kiss on my lips before letting go of me.

"I love you Kate."


Thank you so much for reading this far it means so much to me! Love you all:)

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