Chapter 30

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Kate's P.O.V

I blink open my eyes and sit up in bed. Where am I? This looks like an actual bed room.... The door opens and in walks Brian.

"You're awake!" He exclaims grasping my hand. I yank it away glaring at him and I notice I'm not wearing my wedding ring. Where is it? And then I remember the switch of bodies or something. But I? I killed the other me. I should be dead right now.

"How did you save me?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. You saved yourself." He replies. That makes no sense.

"How long have I been out for?" I ask.

"A couple days." Brian replies stepping closer.

"You've had your experiment, let me go!" I yell shoving him away from me.

"I told you I can't do that. You know too much!"

"Brian I swear to God if you don't let me go Justin is going to find me and all this-" I yell gesturing around the room. "-will be gone! He's going to find me sooner or later and you're going to wish you had just let me go!" I threaten. Brian stares at me for a couple minutes.

"Oh sweetie, Justin isn't looking for you. He's with someone else."

"Sure." I reply obviously not believing him.

"You want proof." He asks.

"As if you have any." I say and glare at him and for some reason I fill the a little bit nervous.

"I have proof. Lots of it actually."

"Fine then show me." I say and find myself feeling anxious. Brian pulls out his phone taps the screen a couple times and then hands it to me.

I stare at the screen in disbelief as I see Justin and a clone of me making out on our living room couch. Tears sting my eyes and I throw the phone at Brian.

"You replaced me with a clone! He thinks that's me! That's the only reason why."

"Oh I can assure you, he knows that's not you. He is fully aware of the fact that you are here and the woman he is making out with is not you."

"How did you even get this video?!"

"I have cameras stationed all over your house. Or shall I say Justin and his new girlfriends house." Brian replies snickering.

"We're still married!" I yell and a tear slips down my cheek. I quickly brush it away hoping Brian didn't notice. "Where where is my wedding ring?" I ask.

"Oh right here." Brian says reaching into his pocket and handing it to me. I snatch it away and place it on my ring finger.

"I always knew you'd take a ring from me." Brian says sarcastically.

"Justin must have a reason for this. He's probably using her so he can find me. He loves me not her." I say mostly trying to convince myself.

"Okay how about this. I'll take Melody-Justin's new girlfriend-" I glare at him and Brian gives me a sickly sweet smile. "And give him a choice. He can save you. Or he can save Melody. If he chooses you, you can leave. If he choose Melody. She get's to leave and you have to marry me." Brian says grinning.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"What? You don't think Justin would choose you?" He asks devilishly.

"No, he'd pick me-"

"Then what's the problem?" Brian asks pouting.

"Nothing, fine it's a deal." I say taking a deep breath. Brian smiles and reaches out his hand. I grasp it and dig my finger nails into his skin. Brian winces and pulls away. He walks out of the room and I hear the sound of a lock turning.

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