Our love

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"Kate where are you going today?" Justin asks practically shoving his camera in my face.

"The toilet." I reply not smiling.

"No that's not where you're going!" He shouts grinning. "Kate where are you going?"

"We're not doing this!" I laugh covering the lens of the camera.

"We have to record this Kate! Please!" He begs getting down on his hands and knees.

"Fine." I reply letting out a huge sigh and dramatically flipping my hair. Justin laughs and positions the camera at me.

"Where are you going Kate?" He asks smiling like an idiot.

"I'm going to the set of the movie This Thing Called Love, to film the first couple scenes." I exclaim.

"And why is this so important?" He asks.

"Because, I'm playing the lead role Aria." I reply smiling.

"Exactly!" Justin exclaims. He goes on to ask me a ton of other irrelevant questions.

"Justin I'm gonna be late! I have to go!" I say pulling away from his embrace. He kisses me one last time and then walks me to my car. I'm about to open the car door when Selena drives up into our driveway.

"Kate!" She screams getting out of her car. She whips out her phone and attacks me with a hug.

"Okay before you go. I just have to take some pictures and video." She explains. I let out a groan and run a hand through my brown hair.

"Justin already did! I have to go!" I whine getting in my car.

"But I need one too!!" She complains stopping me from closing the door.

"No!" I say stubbornly.

"Fine! You'll regret this!" She says but gets in the car.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Going with you! What does it look like I'm doing?" She asks. I wish they would stop treating me like I'm 4.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Justin gets in the back seat and fastens his seatbelt.

"If Selena gets to come, so do I!" He states stubbornly.

"You can't come, you'll embarrass Kate!" Selena yells.

"How would I embarrass Kate?" He asks stressing one the I.

"Your pants are too low! You can see your underpants!" Selena complains.

"First of all my pants are not that low. Second of all everybody knows how I wear my pants so its not gonna make a difference!"

"Yes it will! They'd know that Kate's spending her free time with a low pant carefree idiot!" She yells back. I feel like Selena could have made a better insult than that.

"I am not a low pant carefree idiot! And we're married! Everyone knows we live together! Kate's last name is Bieber! Your the one that would embarrass Kate! Your a-"

"OH MY GOD BOTH YOU SHUT UP! If you two don't stop arguing your getting out of the car!" I shout.

"Fine." They reply. I pull out of my drive way and travel to the set.

After getting every tip possible on acting from Selena I get out of the car and start to the set.

"Kate wait!" Justin yells getting out of the car. I turn around and run up to him. He envelops me in hug and kisses the top of my head. "Good luck." He whispers into my ear.

"Thank you. I love you." I say melting in his arms.

"Awwwwwww!!!" I hear Jaime another actress in the movie gush. She's playing my best friend. I blush and pull away. "We should get going." She says leading me into the building. I turn my head and mouth I love you to Justin.

After going over the script and rehearsing we finally filmed the first couple scenes. Today was probably one of the best days of my life. I loved the atmosphere and people! I love acting; I'm finally living my dream.

I unlock the door and walk inside. "Justin!" I call. I find him in the living room playing his guitar.

"How was it?" He asks hugging me.

"It was amazing!" I exclaim and go on to explain everything that happened.

"I'm glad your happy." He says then kisses me.

"What have you been doing all day?" I ask.

"Writing music." He replies.

"I can't wait to hear it! I wish I could play guitar." I sigh sprawling out on the couch.

"I could teach you!" He offers lifting up his guitar.

"I would say yes, but my fingers don't work right when it comes to guitar."

"I'm sure you'd be great!" He says strumming a cord on his guitar.

"I'd be an insult to music!" I laugh.

"No you wouldn't,"

"Have you heard me sing? It's like a strangled pig fighting an angry cat!" I exclaim. Justin laughs in reply. "I'm sorry." I apologize.

"For what?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"For not being all musical."

"That's nothing to be sorry for."

"But you can't have one of those musical relationships. We can't sing together or write music. I mean ever body assumed I was really musical and thats why you married me. But... I can't even hit the easiest notes when I sing." I sigh. Justin stares at me like I just killed an innocent kitten.

"Kate I married you for a reason! I married you because I love you all of you! I don't care if you can't sing! Your the reason I can write such good music. Your my inspiration." He explains. I feel a blush creep on my face I'm Justin's inspiration.

"I think your the best husband ever." I gush and kiss him. I cant explain how much those words mean to me. We make out on the couch for sometime and then head off to bed.

I don't think my life could get any better than this.


I hope you liked it! Thank you all so much for reading. Please COMMENT and VOTE!:)

Once again thank you all so much.

Oh and your going to find out who was texting Kate in the first part.

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