Chapter 11

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It's been a day since I was discharged from the hospital. I'm not allowed to act at for a week. So I'm stuck at home eating ice cream and watching movies on the couch. Which after a while gets really boring. Anna and Niall are out looking at houses. I volunteered to go with but Justin thought it would be better if I stayed at home and rested.

"Baby I would baby I would..." My starts to ring I quickly pick it up and answer.


"Hi Kate, I'm gonna be home in a couple minutes." Justin says.

"Thank God. I'm so bored!"

"Haha, but I wanted to tell you that I talked to Scooter, and Brian's still in jail." Justin says.

"Oh," I reply. I must have been hallucinating. But it was so real. "I guess I was hallucinating." I say.

"Yeah, it's a good thing he's not running around free."

"Yeah." I reply.

"Hey I'm driving in the drive way. I'll see you in like 1 minute." Justin say.

"Okay bye." I say and hang up.

"Oh my God. Don't tell me you walked around all day with your pants that low!" I groan as Justin flops onto the couch next to me.

"There's nothing wrong with my pants." Justin says.

"Your right there's nothing wrong with your pants. There's just something seriously wrong with the way you wear them!" I exclaim.

"My pants are just fine!" He replies.

"Your butt is hanging out of your pants Justin. There is something wrong."

"I like the way my pants are, its comfortable!" Justin huffs. I grab the waist of Justin's pants and pull them up. My heart flutters as my hand brushes across his abs. Sometimes I forget how hot Justin really is.

"Fine! If you won't let me wear my pants the way I want to wear them. Ill just not wear them at all!" He yells and grabs the waist of his jeans and pulls them down.

"Put your pants back on!" I yell throwing a cushion at him.

"I will not!" He yells and throws it back at me.

"Put your pants back on other wise ill tweet out a picture of you're Superman boxers!! And the ones your grandma got you with hearts on them!" I yell.

"You wouldn't dare!" Justin yells dramatically.

"Oh yes I would! Try me!" I yell and pull out my phone. I start running towards the stair case but stop when I hear a thud from behind me. Justin had tripped over his pants that were still around his ankles and fell on the floor. I break out laughing and run up the stairs and into our bedroom. I quickly rummage through our closer and find Justin's superman and heart boxers.

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