Chapter 4

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"Hey!" I say to Anna as I enter our hut. She's sitting on the dusty floor weaving a basket.

"Hi." She replies solemnly.

"How's the basket coming? I got some cool rocks today and I think you might like one!" I exclaim plopping down next to her and showing her a blue rock. Anna glances at it for a second and then picks up the heart shaped rock with Justin and Kate scratched in.

"You honestly need to stop revolving your life around Justin! He's dead Kate! Think about it! It's been almost a month and nobody has found us! We're not going home! Justin is dead and he's lying at the bottom of th-" Anna yells furiously but I cut her off before she can finish.

"You don't know that! Justin is alive! I can feel it! It's too bad that you don't have a strong enough relationship with Niall to know that he's alive too!" As soon as the words escape my mouth I wish I never said them. I feel awful. "Anna I didn't mean it I-"

"Save it Kate" She says practically spitting the words at me before walking out of the hut. Anna and I have never got in a fight before. Anna just isn't the type of person to freak out like that. If only Justin and Niall would just find us soon. Then and only then will Anna get better.

"Kate..." I hear Justin say. His voice sounds distant as though its coming from outside the hut. I feel my heart beat speed up as I walk outside the hut and into night. I hear Justin's voice again. "Kate..." I hear him whisper again.

"Justin!" I yell frantically.

"Kate... I'm here. I'm here Kate..." I hear him whisper his voice sounding urgent. I follow his voice yelling out his name.

"Justin where are you?!" I yell looking around.

"Right here." He says and appears right in front of me. I run forward and just as I'm about to reach him, he disappears.

"Kate!" I hear someone yelling as someone shakes me awake.

"Wha...." I open my eyes and blink in the brightness.

"You must fell asleep out here on the beach. I heard you yelling out Justin's name as I was walking down the shoreline." Anya explains helping me up.

"Are you sure? I don't remember even coming out here." I reply feeling confused.

"I think your just really exhausted. I'll walk you home." She says.

"Yeah... I'm just really dehydrated." I agree shaking it off. We get back to the village and I walk inside my hut hoping Anna is there so I can apologize. Thankfully she is.

"Anna I'm really sorry. If I-" I start to say and then I realize that she's sobbing. She turns around wiping the tears from her face.

"Kate I forgive you. But your going to have forgive me now. I... I lost your ring." She says and goes on to apologize. But I don't hear any of it. As soon as the words leave her mouth i look down at my hand and see that the ring is gone. When did I take it off?!

"What do you mean you lost it? How did you get it?! Why did you lose my ring!! My only connection to Justin!! Why would you that to me!!!" I yell furiously feeling angry tears falling down my face. I fall to ground as the awful reality sinks in. I've just lost my only connection to Justin.

"Kate, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!"

"How did you lose it?" I ask trying to control the tears falling down my face.

"I was still really angry at you when I walked in here. I saw your ring glinting on the ground and I got even angrier because my wedding ring got lost in the plane crash. I was jealous and I picked it up and threw it out onto the grass. I came back in here and then I started feeling really guilty so I went back to find it and it wasn't there! Im so sorry!! I looked everywhere for it!!" Anna explains.

"Where did you throw it?" I demand getting up.

"I'll show you." Anna replies getting up. I follow her out of the hut ands he leads me to where she threw the ring. How didn't i notice that it wasn't on my hand. How did i not notice??

I get down on my hands and knees frantically searching for it. Anna is searching too. I know she feels bad. But I don't have an ounce of forgiveness for her. Justin is my world. That ring made me remember Justin. That was Justin's way of showing me how he loves me. She just threw Justin's love for me away! I don't stop until I've touched every single piece of grass in that area. I eventually stop because I know I'm never going to find. It's lost. The ring is lost.

"Kate, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you. I promise!"

"No! Your supposed to be my best friend!! Your supposed to be there for me!! Your the one who I'm supposed to trust with my life! I'm never going to be able to forgive you!"

"It's just a ring Kate. Don't let it get in between our friendship. we're stronger than this." Anna says. I feel so angry at her words.

"IT'S NOT JUST A RING!! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM???!!! THAT'S THE LAST CONNECTION I HAD WITH JUSTIN!!!!! YOU THREW IT AWAY!!!! I FORGOT WHO HE WAS, AND THAT'S WHAT MADE ME REMEMBER!!! THAT RING MEANT EVERYTHING TO ME!!! I WANT YOU TO GO AWAY!!! AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! " I scream letting all of my built up anger and frustration out. Anna looks at me and then burst into tears and runs away. I almost feel bad but I'm too angry right now to worry about her.

Eventually my anger fades and sadness fills its place. I curl up into a ball sobbing my cries come from pure sadness. It's lost, and not only have I lost the ring I've lost my best friend.

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