Chapter 20

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Justin needed to know about what I had done. I couldn't keep lying to him. Would he still love me if I told him? But if I really loved him I would want him to know the truth. I would tell him and whatever would happen after that I deserved it.

Justin was back from the hospital and I was staying in his house to make sure he was okay. The guilt it was there. But there was always this small shining beacon of hope in my heart telling me it was all going to be alright. That Justin would understand, that he would still love me.

"Do you wanna play some video games?" Justin asked as I tried desperately to put my hair in a bun.

"Sure, one sec. I just.... Argh! I give up!" I said irritably. "I'll just wear it down."

"I think it's beautiful all the time." Justin complemented. He's so sweet!

"Haha, I like your optimism. Not everyone has movie star hair like you." I replied.

"You are gonna be a movie star pretty soon though."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be in a movie!" I squealed. Justin laughed and then hugged me.

"Can I try?" He asked putting his hands in my hair.

"Good luck." I replied. He got started and 30 seconds later I had a legit looking bun on my head.

"That's scary." I replied.

"You don't like it?" He asked genuinely.

"No! I love it, it's just scary that you can do my hair better than me." I replied hugging him.

"There's a reason why my hair looks so amazing!" He exclaimed leading me to the living room. I laughed in response.

"Your going on tour really soon aren't you." I said as we waited for the match to load. We were playing Halo.

"Yeah, but we'll get to see each other." He offered giving me a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, I guess it's good that we'll both be busy at the same time." I said.

"The match is starting!" I yelled eagerly.

"And I am so ready to whip your butt!"Justin yelled griping his controller.

"We're on the same team, idiot."

"Oh...." He said. He was so cute when he got embarrassed. We played for a long time until I decided that Justin needed some rest.

"We need to stop playing! The doctor said you needed rest." I said.

"But it's only 10:30!"Justin complained.

"Exactly! You need to go to bed!" I said.

"But I don't want to!" He whined.

"Ok well I'm going upstairs to bed now." I said getting up. "And you can sit here all alone all night long with nothing to


" I exaggerated dramatically.

"Fine." He said. Justin went to his room and I went to the guest bedroom. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I felt guilty, and I was really scared to tell him the truth. How would react? I just didn't want to lose him. But the earlier I told him the better. I decided to tell him the next day.

I quickly opened my eyes as I heard noises coming from Justin's room. I checked my phone, 3:30 in the morning. I slowly crept out of bed and snuck down the hallway to Justin's room. I could see shadows bouncing off the walls. It sent chills through my heart. I shoved the door open to see Justin in bed watching TV.

"Justin!" I yelled.

"Uh oh..." He replied muting the TV.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?!" I yelled at him.

"Why are you up right now. Shouldn't you be in bed." He said dismissing my question.

"Yes as a matter of fact I should be! But you woke me up!" I yelled walking over to him.

"Sorry." He apologized genuinely.

"No it's fine. I wasn't even asleep really." I said. I couldn't be mad at him. Honestly his face just makes all sadness and anger dissipate.

"Do you want to join me? I'm watching spongebob." He offered.

"Sure, why not." I replied then got into the covers. I laid my head on Justin's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. This felt so right.. Eventually I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"Kate?" Justin said worriedly nudging me.

"What?" I asked opening my eyes.

"Is this true?" He asked showing me his iPhone.

'Kate's the one who poisoned you. Just ask her she will agree.'

I read the message and I knew exactly who it was from. I could deny it all right now. Tell him it's a lie and it's not true. Or I could own up to what I had done.

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