Chapter 25

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Scooter's P.O.V

There was something different about Justin. He wasn't the same boy I found on youtube. No, Justin was lovesick. He would sit and just scroll through pictures of Kate. Sometimes I would catch him crying, this separation from Kate was tearing him apart. He was going crazy. I was almost tempted to close the tour early to save his sanity. But he just seemed so focused in his work and if I told him to take a break, he would freak out and insist that he had to work harder.

He tried to pretend that nothing was wrong. He tried to bury his pain in his work. But he was dying on the inside.

Justin's P.O.V

I said goodbye to Scooter and the rest of the team and then got into my car. I was on my way to Selena and Kate's house. Kate... I couldn't explain how excited I was to see her. I just knew that she would remember me. It had been so long. I couldn't help but daydream about her running up to me and telling me that she loved me so much. I just wanted her to love me again. It ached. But I knew she would remember me. She had to.

I parked my car in Selena's drive way and then quickly unlocked their front door. I sprinted in and bumped into Selena.

"Justin?!" She said sounding very surprised.

"Hey, I'm back from tour!" I yelled.

"How was it?" She asked.

"It was good same as usual. Where's Kate?" I asked.

"She's-" Selena started to say and then I heard Kate's voice.

"I'll ask Selena." She said, I looked up to see her at the top of the staircase. She looked even more beautiful than ever. I was about to call her name. When someone else appeared and pulled her into a kiss. My heart just shattered and i felt my knees get weak. That should be me kissing her. She pulled away laughing and then bounded down the stairs.

"Who's that?" I managed to ask holding back tears. My Kate was kissing someone else.

"Brian, maybe we should talk about this somewhere else." She said.

"You mean that jerk who cheated on her." I said feeling my anger rise.

"Did you want to ask me something?" Selena asked Kate.

"Uh no, I just... Nothing." She said awkwardly switching her gaze from me to Selena.

"Are you sure?" Selena asked.

"Yeah." Kate replied and then ran upstairs with Brian following her.

"What's going on?" I asked feeling as though the world was falling apart.

"Kate's dating Brian." She replied.

"I can see that." I said angrily.

"I know this is hard for you but-" she started to say but I cut her off.

"How serious are they?" I asked.

"Ummm they're not as serious as you to were before the-" she started to reply but I cut her off again.

"So there's a chance that she still loves me." I said.

"Maybe, but she doesn't remember the relationship she had with you. She just knows that your Justin Bieber. She's honestly nothing like the person she used to be. She's leaving for college in a couple weeks." Selena explained and her words brought tears to my eyes.

"What about her dreams of being an actress? What about that job she got?" I asked desperately.

"She wasn't stable enough to do it, so the job went to someone else. And now she wants to be a lawyer."

"But, she loved acting." I said.

"This new Kate is not the same person you fell in love with. You need to move on. The doctor said that there was almost no chance that she would remember her past with you."

"But can't we just tell her."

"It doesn't work like that. You can't just tell her and expect her to remember. It's like when your mom will tell you about the silly things you did when you were little. It's doesn't make you remember it. You just know it happened." Selena explained.

"But I don't want to move on. I love her. I want her back." I said and the tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Justin don't cry. I hate seeing you like this." She said giving me a hug, but that just made me cry harder. I let a few tears slip on tour but now i full out sobbing. I was just plain sad. I wanted to curl up into a hole and die. I just didn't want to live like this. I just wanted to die! This wasn't fair! This just wasn't the way it was supposed to be! Kate was supposed to love me! I must have said all that out loud because Selena took a deep breath and then said.

"You can stay here for as long as you want. But if she starts getting worse then you'll have to leave."

"I can stay." I said wiping the tears from my eyes. I wouldn't give up now.

"Yes, you can stay." Selena repeated.

"Does Brian live here?" I asked.

"Oh god no. Kate and Brian honestly do not hang very often."

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Well they actually met at a support group meeting."

"Brian was at a support group meeting?!"

"He was dropping off his sister."

"Oh, when did Kate start behaving normal again?" I asked.

"Once she met Brian." She replied. I felt irritated at her words. I was supposed to be the one to help her get better! Not that idiot that cheated on her and shattered her heart!

"But he cheated on her once! How did you let this happen!"

"She's not a little kid, and I am not her mother! And he's helping her get better! It's been really hard for her! She was scared of knives and so many other things, and she doesn't even know why! But Brian is helping her and he's changed. He's really not that bad."

"I missed a lot didn't I."

"Yes, but there's a whole future ahead of you!"

"She will remember me. She has too."


Sorry for how badly this chapter is written:(

Thank you all so much for reading! I love you all so much:) don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE!!!

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