Chapter 27

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Kate Primes P.O.V

"I can't believe we are on our way to Hawaii!" I exclaim squeezing Justin's hand. I wasn't allowed to do much at Brian's facility. All we did was train and practice to be like Kate or whoever else you were assigned to be.

"I know!" Justin replies buckling his seat belt. I quickly fasten mine after watching him.

"But my only question is WHYY did we have to get a flight SO early in the morning?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Because it was the only flight available with a private plane." He answers.

"I'm so tired." I whine leaning my head on his shoulder. He smells good like candy. "Justin?" I mumble.


"Where's the candy?" I ask. Justin's sighs in defeat.

"In my left pocket." I reach my hand in and feel a piece of paper along with a bag of sour patch kids. I pull both out.

"What's this?" I ask unfolding the piece of paper.

"Uhh nothing!" Justin replies reaching out to grab it but I snatch it away and quickly open it up. It's a DNA test.

"Did you have a DNA test done on me?" I ask in disbelief. I know I shouldn't be mad. Because technically I'm not actually Kate. But I'm pretending to be Kate. And the real Kate would probably be very upset. So, I guess I have to be upset.

"Uh yeah." He replies not meeting my eyes.

"I can't believe you?!" I shout. I glance back down at the sheet and see that it reads positive.

"Just let me explain. Okay?" He asks.

"Okay, explain."

"You look exactly like you should. But you don't have any of the scars you used to have on your arms and legs." Why does the real Kate have scars on her arms and legs?

"You don't act like the way you used to. And that, that makes me wonder. You used to hate the show psych. Now you practically worship it. And where is your wedding ring?! And most of all." He sighs before continuing. "Lift up you're shirt."

I look at him like he's crazy. I am not going to take off my shirt! "See, you don't even know what I'm talking about! The scar Kate! The scar from where you got shot!" I look at him like he's crazy again. Kate got shot? He slowly lifts up the bottom of my shirt and places his hand a little bit below my left ribcage. "Who are you?" He asks softly. He looks so hurt and disappointed. Now I'm the one who can't look him in face. He repeats it again and I tilt my face up at him. There are tears in his eyes. I want to tell him but I can't. I can't...

"I'm Kate Bieber. I'm your wife Justin. And the scar I got it removed." I reply holding back tears. I feel so guilty. "And the other scars too. I wasn't actually in Mexico. I was getting all of them removed or faded." I lie desperately hoping he will believe me but at the same time... I want him to know I'm not Kate.

"You lied to me!?" He yells and a tear slips down his cheek.

"Yes and I'm sorry. It's just I had to. I kept feeling like I was living in the past a reminder of all the horrible things just on my skin!" I yell completely making it all up.

"What about your wedding ring?" He asks. I can tell he's starting to believe me.

"One morning I woke up in the hospital and it was gone. I don't know where it went but it was gone. It just disappeared. I asked everyone if they had seen it. I've been calling the hospital almost everyday trying to find it. But it's gone Justin. And I'm so sorry." I explain.

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