Chapter 9

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"Kate! Get up!" Anna yells yanking me out of bed.

"I had the most amazing dream last night...." I mumble standing up.


"I had a dream that Justin asked me to-" my mouth drops open as I feel a familiar feeling on my finger. I slowly lift my hand up to my face. Glinting in the morning sunlight is my ring. It was real, Justin really found me. My knees feel weak and I fall to the ground.

"How did you find it?" Anna gasps.

"Justin found it." I reply tears flowing out of eyes. It wasn't a dream. He really found me. We're really engaged! Justin is really alive! And he's going to come back for me. But... Why did he have to come back for me? Why couldn't he just take Anna and I back home?

"What do you mean?" Anna asks looking at me weirdly.

"Last night Justin came to me. I thought I was dreaming. He, he asked me to marry him." I say wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Are you serious? You mean he's out there in the Jungle!" Anna exclaims. "Wait, why did he leave?" Anna asks.

"I don't know.... He didn't say. But he promised he would come back."

"Did he say anything about Niall?"

"I'm sorry, he didn't say anything. But if Justin's alright then Niall ha-" I stop remembering how beat up Justin's face was.

"Keep going!" Anna yells.

"Justin's face was all beat up. I asked but he didn't answer. Or wait, he might've. I don't remember! I'm really sorry." I explain.

"If Justin is alive. Then Niall is too." Anna announces. I know she's not only trying to convince me. She's trying to convince herself. I nod my head and smile at her.

"I'm going to go, because I have... That... Thing!"

"Oh yeah, uh bye..." I reply as Anna leaves. I know that she really doesn't have a thing. She's going to go sit on the beach and stare at the waves begging god to make sure that Niall is safe. And then once she's cried her heart out, she's gonna come back and pretend that she's fine.

I don't really know what to say or think. I mean HOW could he just ask me to marry him and then leave. I'm almost irritated, but then his beautiful face flashes in my mind and all anger vanishes. I just hope he's okay and that whatever is going on gets resolved quickly so that he can "come back for me". I just don't understand it. Our plane crashed and only Anna and I were found by the natives. And it doesn't make sense that Justin would land up somewhere else because we crashed on this side of the island. So the only explanation is that Niall, Louis, Eleanor, and Selena woke up before us and something happened that made them all just abandon Anna and I. And they've been watching us this whole time, which is how Justin found my ring. And then he couldn't stand staying away from me so he visited me in the night. Then he felt so guilty for leaving me behind he started crying. Somehow he thought that asking me to marry him would fix everything. But he couldn't stay-because of that thing-so he promised he would come back. And now hopefully he's doing everything he can to come back for me.

After coming up with an explanation for all this. I feel a little better. At least now I actually have something to hold onto and believe in.

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