Chapter 18

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Selena's P.O.V

I can't believe that they didn't come with me! I know Kate's alive, she has to be. Justin wouldn't do something like that.

I open a door and peer into the darkness and make out a limp figure in the back.

"Kate?" I call. The figure moves and stands up. "Justin?" I ask.

"Selena?" Justin replies walking towards me. I back up and put my hands out in front of me in defense.

"I'm not going to hurt you! I didn't kill Kate. It wasn't me!" He explains his voice cracking.

"You mean she really is dead." I gasp tears forming in my eyes. He nods his head and then hugs me. After a moment he pulls away and says-

"We need to get out of here. Do you know where the others are?" He asks.

"Yeah, follow me." I say leading him towards the room that everyone else is in.

"How did you find me?" He asks.

"I was looking for Kate." I reply.

"I know, but did you not get caught by now?"

"I guess i'm really sneaky!" I joke. I come to the door and open it. But this certainly is not the room where the others are.

"What is this place?" I ask looking at the long glass cylinder containing clones of Justin.

"I didn't know he made so many." Justin gasps.

"Who?" I ask.

"Justin?! Is this really you?" Anna asks walking towards us. She must have come in from another door.

"Justin, your alive!" Niall exclaims happily.

"You don't look so good. Are you okay?" Eleanor asks Justin, commenting on the multitude of bruises and cuts that litter his skin.

"I'm fine, we need to get out of here." He replies.

"Who's he?" I demand.

"Brian." He replies

"You mean the Brian that Kate dated?" I clarify. He nods his head anger flashing across his face.

"That clone that shot Kate was supposed to shoot the little girl. Not Kate. He had some crazy twisted plan to make Kate hate me, and fall in love with him." He explains.

"But it backfired...." I say solemnly.

"We need to get out of here right now." Justin shouts leading us towards the door.

"I don't think so." I hear someone say. I spin around to see Brian accompanied by a clone of Justin. "Did you honestly think you could just escape! Although I have to admit crawling through the air vents was clever, but not clever enough."

"You knew we had escaped from our jail cell?" Anna asks sounding surprised.

"Of course! I wanted to see how long it would take you to figure it all out!" Brian exclaims.

"Can you just let us go? We won't say anything! We promise!" Eleanor pleads.

"I was actually going to sell you one direction boys for a ransom. But you know too much. There's only one thing I can think of..."

"You already killed Kate. Do you really want to hurt more people?" Justin asks.

"Ah yes Kate, pity she died. But there are plenty of fish in the sea." Brian says.

"Your a sick and dirty person! And even if Kate did live, she would never love you!" I shout spitting the words at him.

"What did you say?" Brian hisses glaring at me.

"I said if Kate was alive she would never love you!" I shout at the top or my lungs.

"But you wouldn't be able to prove that because she's dead!" Brian sneers.

"I AM ALIVE!" I hear Kate scream. I spin around in disbelief. She's standing in front of the door that Justin and I came in through.

Kate's P.O.V

"You thought you could hide me away didn't you! You thought that I would actually believe that Justin shot me, and then i would fall in love with you! I would never love you in a million years! I would never ever love someone like YOU! You'll never be as good as Justin! You wanna know why? Because he actually loves me enough that he wants me to be happy! He's not selfish! He doesn't lie! He's kind, honest, loving, and so much more. You couldn't count his good qualities there's so many! But you, you don't think twice about hurting people! All you care about is yourself! " I yell tears spilling out of my eyes. I lift up the gun I found in a storage room and aim it at Brian. Its time to end this once and for all. I take a deep breath and pull the trigger. "That's for all the hurt you've caused." I shout. Guilt immediately washes over me as I see him wither in pain. I feel my knees get weak and I'm about to fall to the ground when I feel Justin wrap his arms around me. I look up into his tear filled eyes and smile. I'm complete.

"I love you." Justin says pulling me closer to him. My heart bursts with joy and I struggle to hold in fresh tears. Finally after all these months of waiting, I can feel him envelope in comforting warmth.

"I love you too." I reply smiling. He leans in and our lips collide. I run my hands through his hair as we kiss. I'm so over come with emotion that I cant hold my tears in. I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck as he rubs my back.

"I love you so much Justin." I sob wetting his shirt with my tears. He cups my cheek with his hand and tilts my head up to look at him.

"I love you too Kate and no matter what happens, I promise to always love you." He says and then smiles at me. I smile back and kiss him lovingly. There's this warm fuzzy feeling that radiates throughout me. It's happiness. As long as I have Justin, I will always be happy.


Thank you for reading! I honestly cannot thank you all enough for reading and voting! It means so much to me! I love you all!!! This is not the end of the book. There will be more chapters after this:)

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