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A lady was driving on a deserted road . Suddenly an ominous thud echoed through the silence and her  car jolted to a halt. She pulled out her seat belt and stepped out to find the problem.

"Damn it!!"

She yelled in frustration as she found her tyre was flat.  She irritatedly pulled out her mobile "aahhh!! Kya bakwaas hai ! Ise bhi abhi off hona tha"

she started scanning the empty road  in hope of aid ,  a glimmer of hope flickered on  as another car approached. With a mix of relief and apprehension, she waved her arms, signaling for help.

But soon her face got filled with dread fear as the car didn't slow down but increased it's speed even further aiming her at it's Target.
"Whatt thee....." her lips trembled and she  started to run , her  heart pounding loudly in her chest, She sprinted desperately, each step echoing her frantic heartbeat. With wide, terror-filled eyes, she glanced over her shoulder at the car, which seemed to pursue her like an unstoppable force of doom. The headlights cast a ghostly glow on her.

And in the very next second, the car Violently collided with her .
The impact was so brutal that it sent   her  sprawling onto the  road.

"Aahh! "

A sharp cry of pain escaped her lips as her body collided with the ground, limbs contorted in unnatural angles.

In the next fraction of second the driver swiftly shifted into reverse gear, the car jolting backward with a menacing growl. In an instant, the vehicle changed its trajectory, its headlights illuminating the lady's pain-stricken face. The driver pressed the accelerator with ruthless determination, and with blood shot red eyes, propelling the car  towards her.

She tried to crawl backwards, in an attempt to save herself, but the driver didn't give her any chance and once again smashed the car onto her , and this time the car went over her  , making her blood to spill on the road and stain her clothes and this time she layed their almost like a dead body, only eyes opened and staring the car .

And once again the car Circled and again aimed it's target , the driver who was looking like a psychopath marched the car towards the lady and once again made it's way crushing it's prey. And this time somewhere in the sound of the engine the sound of breaking of bones echoed, mingling with her piercing screams.

She was lying in a pool of blood, unable to even shake herself
Blood pooled around her, seeping into the fabric of her clothes  but The driver was still not convinced and once again circled back

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A car screeched to a halt just outside the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), and a lady stepped out of it and swiftly closed the door and started scanning the place , her eyes searching someone, she swiftly grabbed out her mobile and after deftly moving her fingures on the screen she placed it at her ear "where the hell r u,  i already reached here..........." She almost roared in frustration.

" where??" She said  while turning around, where a man in a sharp black lawyer's attire arrived on a motorcycle, she rushed towards him
"Is everything ready, did u manage to get the bail" she asked anxiously, urgency evident in her tone.

"Yes madam " he replied with a nod

Without wasting another moment, the two of them hurriedly made their way inside the SIU.

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