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In the tranquil sky, the hues of the setting sun painted the sky with warm tones of orange and pink. But below it the singh mansion was not so tranquil, the once beautiful lawn of the mansion was now a  complete mess with broken alcohol bottles, shattered chairs, damaged plants ,  pots and remnants of lamps that once adorned opulence were scattered across the scene.

In the middle of the mess, stood hasu completely intoxicated, staggering at the place unable to even stand properly on the feet , By her side, Arusa stood steadfastly supporting Hasu, preventing her from succumbing to the ground. "Hasu.. hasu.. plzz sambhaalo khud ko.."
Said arusa by firmly holding her.

Hasu's voice, tinged with the raw emotions of hopelessness as she forced words out of her mouth
"I am destroyed, arusa I am doomed,"

"Hasu, listen to me, let's go inside. You need rest," Arusa pleaded, attempting to take the bottle from Hasu's hand. Yet, Hasu skillfully evaded Arusa's attempts, moving the bottle out of reach while continuing her lament. "I am finished... My life is finished. Karu... my Karu left me," she confessed. with this she took large gulps from the bottle.

"My..,...My Ammi – my own mother disowned me. Do you know what she said , she told me, she told her hasu to  get lost..... and not to show my face ever"

Then hasu started laughing continuously and while laughing like a psychopath she was about to fall but arusa supported her and she slowly knelt down on the grass

"you know, what ammi said,  she said me she will not leave me only on one condition , and  you know whats that one condition – she asked me to kill maya madam,"

Haseena chuckled and continued
"how can she even think that i will shoot someone who taught me how to hold a gun, how can she even say that?"

And suddenly her laughter vanished replaced with seriousness as she stated "do you know why this all happened to me , because I broke the promise I made while wearing my uniform, I broke the promise i made to my ammi that i will always walk on the right path, I broke the promise I made to my karu that I will never betray her . I broke everything arusa, i broke everyone's heart.

I just stood and witnessed several crimes right infront of my eyes , Even when i had the capacity to stop them , I didn't, I myself handed several confidential information to madam. And now, all of this—the chaos, the pain—it's the compensation, the penalties I'm paying for my evil deeds."

"I just stood there arusa.....
I just stood there , as a silent witness to the darkness I let to happen. My inaction, my betrayal to those I swore to protect.. it's haunting me... It's haunting me arusa.... This is killing me...."
I can't... I can't handle this burden anymore.... I can't handle it anymore "
Hasu roared , at the top of her voice .

Then suddenly she started Attempting to rise,  struggling against the weight of intoxication, She faltered, stumbling backward, only to be caught by Arusa, who steadfastly supported her, preventing her from falling on the  ground. And by pushing arusa she started moving with her unsteady legs towards a figure,who was standing there for a long time with eyes  puffy , red filled with tears.

"Madam" uttered hasu , her voice carrying a mix of anguish and vulnerability while moving towards maya with her unsteady steps , she was on the verge of another fall, but
Maya, who had been standing there with tear-filled eyes, extended her arms just in time to catch Hasu.

Hasu immediately engulfed maya and kissed on maya's cheek "madam, iam doomed" she announced.

Coming out of the hug she gazed into maya's eyes and said "Madam, you know what madam. You are powerful enough to give me back my job, you are power enough to cancel my suspension, you are even powerful to provide my promotion from SI to SHO from SHO to DSP from DSP to DGP but madam I wish .... I wish you had the power to make me again my ammi's daughter, I wish you were powerful enough to make me again bestfriend of my karu"

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