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The Mount Tai landslide situation improved. After the aftershocks subsided, public opinion changed somewhat. From the beginning, it was a secret insinuation that it was a punishment from God, but now everyone was talking about the marriage between the General and the Deputy Prime Minister.

Cut-sleeves were not prevalent in the Xuan Dynasty, but there was no harm in a rich and powerful businessman with special hobbies raising one or two men in the house as new playthings.

According to the ancestors of the Xuan Dynasty, a man could not be a main wife, especially in the royal family.

But now, Wang Yibo would be given to Xiao Zhan as his main wife. There were various speculations about it, and opinions differed, but what was certain was that no one was optimistic about this marriage.

However, no matter how far the rumors spread, the Wang Mansion and the General's Mansion were not affected in any way, and everything went on as usual.

What Xiao Gao brought back from the General's Mansion was not only a chicken, but also a dowry booklet.

"Housekeeper Qin said that the General's Mansion has not been lived in by the master for a long time, and many things are too old to be used, so he hopes that the Wang Mansion can bring some useful dowry over there."

"This was clearly Xiao Zhan's idea." As soon as Housekeeper Qin saw him, he became an old quail and didn't dare ask him directly. Wang Yibo took the booklet and looked at the sky outside. The rain had stopped at some point, and the dark clouds dispersed. He hadn't heard any news he wanted so far, so he could only go to the palace again by himself.

After finishing the morning court, the emperor went all the way to the main hall to review the memorials. When he saw him coming, he asked: "You didn't come earlier, but now you're here. What's the matter?"

Wang Yibo said bluntly: "I want to protest the decree."

Wang Xuan smiled instead of getting angry: "When the Imperial decree was first issued, I thought you would resist it. Why wait until now?"

"This minister has dedicated himself to the Emperor, but General Xiao is an intolerable bully."

"How did he bully you?"

Wang Yibo handed over the booklet: "This was delivered to the mansion by General Xiao. How dare he make such a request? It is clear that he doesn't attach importance to Wang Mansion and Your Majesty."

Wang Xuan opened it and looked at it for quite a while, then laughed and picked up another booklet from the table: "Does this look familiar to you?"

Wang Yibo replied: "It was delivered to the General's Mansion by this minister."

"General Xiao handed this thing over to me after the morning court, and said the same thing as you. He also wants to protest," Wang Xuan said. "Were you waiting for the news that I agreed with General Xiao to call off the marriage? You couldn't wait any longer, so you came to me in person to withdraw your agreement?"

Having been together for many years, they had long become familiar with one another's temperaments.

Wang Xuan walked up to him with a smile. The smile gradually faded, and he said in a low voice: "You know it is impossible for me to rescind an order I have already issued."

As soon as the Imperial decree was issued, everyone knew that if you openly disobeyed the Emperor's order, it would only lead to death. The only option was to come at it from another angle, such as taking the initiative to make Xiao Zhan think of retreating. It was best to come to the Imperial court to file a complaint and blame the other. Maybe there was still a chance.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now