𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Half a month after Xiao Zhan left, there was nothing unusual about the General's Mansion, but Wang Yibo was a little busier. He left early and returned late every day, and was often called into the palace to discuss matters about Nanjiang. At the same time, he did not give up searching for Wang Xu's trail.

Judging from the current situation, Wang Xu may have fled to Nanjiang, united with the new king in order to seize power, and then triggered a war with the Xuan Dynasty in an attempt to usurp the throne.

But Wang Yibo also suspected that Wang Xu may not have escaped yet and must still be hiding in some corner. He should have been in touch with Nanjiang long ago, but Wang Xu probably still had eyes and ears in the capital.

He informed Wang Xuan of these concerns, and Wang Xuan replaced the Imperial Guard with a group of loyal people, then searched the officials' mansions. He cast a wide net, but no one was found.

Wang Xuan even believed that the person had already fled to Nanjiang, and waited for Xiao Zhan to execute these wolf-minded people on the spot.

"The army has been traveling day and night, and has reached the border of Nanjiang." Wang Xuan handed him the memorial.

There were only a few concise words on it, reporting the itinerary and the battle plans, but Wang Yibo looked at it for a long time, as if he wanted to read every stroke forever.

Wang Xuan snatched the letter from his hand: "If you continue to read, it will be dark."

Wang Yibo gave an embarrassed smile.

"Did he not write to you?" Wang Xuan asked curiously.

"He wrote."

Naturally, he wrote, but it was different from the solemn tone of this letter. The letters to him were full of Xiao Zhan's distinct personal style.

If he saw any strange flowers or birds on the road, he must describe them in detail, and then include a feather or a flower petal in the letter.

Even though he traveled hard, he would complain for a full page, asking for comfort between the lines. Unlike the short sentence in this letter: "Already at the border."

Xiao Zhan probably wrote letters any time he was free, so Wang Yibo received one or two letters almost every day. It was as if this person had never traveled far away, and kept nagging in his ear.

He also wrote back, and when he received feathers and flower petals, he sent some freshly dried tea leaves from home.

Xiao Zhan mentioned missing him in the letters, so he drew a small portrait of himself. Smiling viciously as he picked up the brush, he drew it half-clothed.

Xiao Zhan opened it and almost got a nosebleed, then sent him back some erotic poetry.

When Wang Yibo received the letter, he couldn't help but blush slightly, thinking that he was becoming more and more shameless. If this letter were to be stolen, he would be too ashamed to live in this world.

"What are you thinking about? Why are you blushing?" Wang Xuan asked.

Wang Yibo returned to his senses: "Your Majesty misunderstands, I just.....feel a little hot. It's so hot today."

"It's raining." Wang Xuan pointed to the curtain of rain outside.


There was a lot of rain in spring, and when it didn't stop, Wang Xuan asked him to stay for a meal. The two people ate and conversed about the current situation, which really reminded them of scenes in their past.

Wang Xuan noticed that he had been gazing outside at the rain and wet flowers, and asked: "Are you still afraid of the rain?"

Wang Yibo was taken aback for a moment, and looked away. Many images suddenly appeared in his mind, and finally dispersed like a passing cloud. He shook his head and smiled: "I haven't thought of my parents when it rains for a long time."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now