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Wang Yibo didn't pay any attention to him all night, and began to reflect on whether he had been too talkative recently. That was why Xiao Zhan was so lawless that he dared to tease him.

Although Xiao Zhan didn't ask him why he was suddenly angry, he looked at him with a smile from time to time, which made him even more annoyed.

The next day, after bathing and resting, Wang Yibo awoke when the sky was barely light, and had just sat up when he caught a glimpse of the person lying on the ground. But this person was awake, and looked over as soon as he heard movement.

"Why didn't you get up?"

Normally at this time, Xiao Zhan was just getting back from court or on his way to the training grounds, and had never stayed in bed until this hour.

Xiao Zhan crossed his arms and said unhurriedly: "I'm seeing how long someone can sleep."

Wang Yibo slanted him an annoyed look and got up to go bathe. No matter how closely the other party followed, he treated him as if he completely didn't exist.

After getting dressed, he stood in front of the drawer, staring at the sachets in a daze. His hand finally stopped on the most eye-catching one, the one with sweetgrass inside.

Sweetgrass could be used as a medicine, and also be used as a spice. It was only that the scent was special. Some people liked it and some people hated it, and Xiao Zhan was of the latter.

As soon as he grasped the rope of the bag, his hands were held down. Xiao Zhan stood behind him and said: "Change to another."

Sneezing was too embarrassing, and hurt his handsome face.

During the silence, Housekeeper Qin walked in and saw one's chest against the other's back. "Ah!" He instantly covered his eyes and said: "General, my lord, there are guests outside asking to see you."

"It's so early, who is it?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"It is the daughter of the magistrate of Zhizhou who came to thank the two masters."

The two looked at one another, and Xiao Zhan asked: "Do you know each other?"

Wang Yibo shook his head: "You?"

"I barely know a few people in the capital, so how could I know Zhizhou?"

"Let's go and see."

Xiao Zhan nodded, noticed that he had put down the sweetgrass sachet, and followed with satisfaction.

A young woman was standing in the foyer, wearing a lotus root-colored Liuxian skirt and a beaded hairpin on her head. Her hair was worn half up and half down, and one could tell at a glance that she was a girl not yet of age. When she saw them coming to the hall together, her eyes lit up for a moment, and she looked at them with a happy expression: "General Yan, Wang-daren, this youngest daughter is the daughter of the magistrate for the prefecture. Her name is Sun Muyun, and unfortunately she ran into a thief on the street a few days ago. Thanks to the General's help, her grandmother's heirlooms were not lost."

Xiao Zhan finally remembered why she looked familiar, and said: "It was a small matter, no thanks are necessary."

Sun Muyun stretched out her hand, and the maid handed a box to her. She offered her thanks with both hands: "General Su WenXiao made great military exploits. This little girl received a Luan jade knife, which is of no use to her. If it can be appreciated by the General, it is no loss of money."

When the box was opened, there was a short, sharp knife inside. The scabbard placed next to it looked very extravagant and had a unique shape, inlaid with gold, jewels, and precious stones.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now