𝕾𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊

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Zhizhou was a day and a half away from Huaizhou. After sitting in the carriage for half a day, Wang Yibo opened the curtain in a dispirited mood and saw that there were a few people outside, and farmlands all around. Some people were sitting on the ridges of the fields, looking up at the sun.

Wang Yibo also raised his head to take a look, and his eyes were dazzled by the scorching light. Ducking back into the carriage, he quickly waved his fan: "It's too hot here. Is there still ice?"

"It's gone." Xiao Zhan took his fan and waved it harder. "Bear with it, we will soon be in the forest and it will be cooler under the shade of the trees."

Wang Yibo feared the cold more than the heat. He turned to glance at the sweat on Xiao Zhan's face. It was almost dripping, so he moved the fan a little towards him, saying: "Fan yourself."

"What about you?"

Wang Yibo simply took off his outer robe.

Xiao Zhan's eyes flickered, and he similarly removed his outer robe.

"My lord, there is still an hour before the post station. There is a town, should we stop and get something to eat first?" Xiao Gao opened the curtain and saw the two men taking off their clothes. His face went red and he hurriedly backed away.

"Go and buy something, we won't go out." Wang Yibo ordered, "If there are fans, buy a few more."


After a incense stick of time, Xiao Gao returned, handed over the things in his arms, and said awkwardly: "I could only buy these."

Wang Yibo took a look. There were a few stuffed steamed buns and a rice cake. "That's it?"

"En, many inns are closed," Xiao Gao said. "I went to fetch water, but those people wouldn't let us fill the water bags, so there might not be enough."

Wang Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan at once, and they both donned their outer layers in unison, their expressions a bit heavy.

Xiao Zhan hopped out of the carriage first. Xiao Gao was about to get the stool for Wang Yibo, but found that his lord had already been carried down by Xiao Zhan. He opened his mouth slightly, then put down the stool and followed silently.

Only a few scattered shops on the street were still open, and after finding one that sold food, Wang Yibo asked: "Shopkeeper, could you please fill our water? We'll be on our way."

"Water, ah? It's not that I don't want to give it to you, we all need water now. Look at these pancakes, do you want some?" the shopkeeper asked.

Wang Yibo glanced back at the street. There were few pedestrians, and waves of heat could still be seen in the air.

Wang Yibo first bought some pancakes, and then asked: "Where did everyone in town go?"

"To get water." The shopkeeper pointed to a small mountain in the distance. "There is a mountain spring there. Everyone has gone to fetch water now, and our family also went, so it's just me watching the shop alone. After selling this last bit, I'm going to hurry over there too."

"There is a shortage of water here?" Wang Yibo asked.

"Yes, ah, there has been a drought for almost two months, and the crops are almost dried up," the shopkeeper said helplessly.

The carriage started moving again. Wang Yibo's expression was not good as he continued to watch the movement outside. When they passed the mountain, he saw the spring.

People were crowded together with wooden buckets in their hands. Even the children were holding basins or ladles, scrambling to grab the spring water, but there wasn't enough. The people behind were anxious from the wait, so they began to snatch from others, and a fight was about to break out amongst the commotion.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now