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The storeroom of the General's Mansion was useless. The General's Mansion, which sounded impressive, actually had pitifully little wealth. All of the reward money and salary was used to purchase weapons and reward the soldiers.

This room had been cleaned up, and then Xiao Zhan stuffed it full of weapons brought back from the frontier.

The servants were afraid of the dangers these weapons might pose to the new master, and while guarding him carefully, they could only obey his orders and open all of the gift money and gift boxes received today for him to check.

As soon as Xiao Zhan walked to the door, he heard that cold and indifferent voice drifting out: "The left official of the Ministry of Revenue has a hundred taels of silver, ten bolts of silk, and a sword, which is barely passable...... the silk?"

Xiao Zhan pushed open the door and saw a servant opening a new box, which contained the received silk. Wang Yibo leaned over to pick one up, rubbing the material with his fingertips.

"General," the servant called out.

Xiao Zhan nodded. His eyes remained on the back of that red figure, but the other party didn't turn around for a long time, and even took the trouble to peruse the box.

"Cough." Xiao Zhan deliberately coughed to signal his existence.

Only then did Wang Yibo turn his head and reluctantly glance at him. He paused abruptly and tilted his head to look again at the person standing at the door, his pupils slightly dilated: "Who are you?"

"He's the General," Housekeeper Qin replied, wiping away his cold sweat. He quickly gave the maids meaningful looks and coaxed them away from the bridal chamber. In the middle of the night, the newlyweds gathered in the storeroom to count the gifts.

Wang Yibo went to the door and glanced at Xiao Zhan suspiciously. Xiao Zhan wore the same wedding clothes, but with a sense of wantonness. His body was like a longbow, strong and powerful, poised for action. His hair was all coiled on top of his head, revealing a broad and handsome face, valiant and heroic. The bridge of his nose was high and straight, and despite being exposed to the wind and sun all year round, his skin was still fair.

Xiao Zhan was satisfied to see the surprised expression on his face. Quite proud of himself, he lifted his chin slightly and was about to speak, when Wang Yibo regained his calm appearance in an instant and turned around to order: "Take those two pieces of silk to the tailor shop tomorrow."

"Yes," Xiao Gao replied immediately, and took away the two pieces of silk in full view.

Housekeeper Qin and the servants all looked at the General. Xiao Zhan nodded: "Give it to him, it's useless to just leave it here."

Wang Yibo gave him a sideways glance, then walked to the bridal chamber, closing it with a bang. Xiao Zhan and the people behind him were blocked outside.

"General, you still need to drink the wedding wine," the servant girl whispered.

"It's okay, you all go back first, there's no need to wait." Xiao Zhan waved his hand and waited for everyone to leave before entering the bridal chamber as if nothing had happened.

The two cups on the table were empty. Xiao Zhan glanced at the person sitting by the bed and walked to the table on his own, lifting the jug and tilting his head to take a few sips. He said cheerfully: "This is good wine."

Wang Yibo looked at him gloomily without moving a muscle.

"It's getting late, let's rest." Xiao Zhan put down the jug, came to the bed, and moved to untie his belt.

"What are you doing!" Wang Yibo shouted.

Xiao Zhan was taken aback: "Undressing, ah, do you want to go to bed wearing such cumbersome clothes?"

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now