𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Xiao Zhan saw the shock on his face that he tried his best to hide, and knew that he was right.

A courtesy name should have been chosen by his parents, elders, or perhaps His Holiness. But Wang Yibo's parents had died in his early years, and Wang Xuan was the most likely to choose the courtesy name for him.

At first, when he heard the word "Bo" from Wang Xuan's mouth, there was an indescribable familiarity, but after careful inspection, he noticed that Wang Yibo's reaction to this was not within the norm. It seemed that he was caught off guard when he heard this name, and his expression changed unexpectedly.

Later at the hunting grounds, he had asked the other party why Wang Xuan had called him Yibo.

Wang Yibo said it was a courtesy name.

He called him that all the way, but every time he said it, Wang Yibo was very annoyed. It wasn't until they returned and he called "Bo" in front of Housekeeper Qin that Wang Yibo became furious, as if he didn't want this name mentioned in front of outsiders.

So he didn't speak it in front of others anymore, and only occasionally called him Yibo when they were alone together, just for fun between the two of them.

His name had been changed since childhood, and even though he became a noble official, there was no ancestral hall in Wang Mansion to honor his ancestors......he had a vague guess, but he didn't want to delve into how many stories were hidden behind the name Wang Bo.

He firmly believed that human nature was inherently good. If Wang Yibo could be driven into the abyss step by step, the story behind it must be heart-wrenching. He didn't want to investigate secretly, so as not to uncover that bloody scar again. The other party couldn't bear it, and he may not be able to face it calmly.

As soon as the two of them returned to the General's Mansion, they saw Housekeeper Qin and Gao Tan squatting on the steps, arguing endlessly.

Housekeeper Qin: "Why did Wang-daren go to the brothel? It's too outrageous, can't he stay in the mansion honestly?"

"The brothel smells fragrant and savory, my lord will naturally like it."

"You sure know how to talk to adults, kid, do you know what that place is?!"

"Of course I know, but I'm afraid you don't. You're too old to go."

"Who are you looking down on! Who wasn't powerful when he was young?! Back when I was messing around with girls, you didn't even know how to breastfeed!"

"Old is old, I only hear boasting."

"Believe it! I could tell my wife to have a third child now, how about you!"

"Of course I can't, I don't like your wife, I don't want her to have my baby."

"How can this be so!" Housekeeper Qin was so angry that his beard puffed up. He stood up to beat him but knew that he couldn't, so he just postured and waited for him to admit his mistake.

At this time, someone grabbed his arm and he inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head to see that it was the General, and quickly said to Gao Tan: "For the sake of the General, I won't fight with you, brat!"

Xiao Gao ignored him, stepping forward to say aggrievedly: "My lord, you are back. You didn't take me with you when you went out today, am I still your favorite Xiao Gao?"

The veins on Xiao Zhan's forehead twitched, and he let go of Housekeeper Qin's arm: "Aren't you going to beat him up? Go do it."

"Ah, this......" Housekeeper Qin looked at him in shame. How could he beat him, ah!

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now