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Wang Yibo clenched his fists and then loosened them. Picking up the teacup on the table, and seeing that there was no more tea to pour, he set it back down heavily and abruptly raised his voice: "You sober up!"

"Look, you're embarrassed to the point of anger."


Xiao Zhan reached out and patted his back: "Okay, don't worry, I understand, you're right. Let's pretend we don't know about this, you don't like me at all."

Wang Yibo couldn't bear it anymore and kicked him: "Get the hell out!"

Xiao Zhan went to the door, then turned around with a smile: "It's time for breakfast, no matter how shy you are, you can't starve yourself."


Breakfast was eaten separately. Xiao Zhan waited in the hall for a while, until Gao Tan came to serve the dishes and said that his lord would eat in the room.

Xiao Zhan assented, but asked another question: "Were you seriously injured yesterday?"

"Not seriously," Gao Tan said. "Thank you, General, for coming to rescue me."

With a guilty conscience, Xiao Zhan turned back to his food.

Wang Yibo finished his meal in the room. Looking at the time, it was time to go to the Imperial Academy.

The new official uniform was a green robe, and there was no need to wear an identification talisman. Although it was all a single piece, it was difficult to hide his elegance.

Gao Tan watched in amazement: "My lord, you look the best in whatever clothes you wear."

"Now your tongue is nimble again?" Wang Yibo glanced at him coldly, picked up the sachet in his hand, and smacked him on the head with it. "Do you know how much trouble you have caused me?"

Gao Tan covered his head and asked blankly: "Am I in trouble again?"

"En, big trouble." Wang Yibo put the sachet on and handed him a piece of silver: "Go see the doctor yourself."

"Thank you, my lord!" Gao Tan took the silver and sent him to the door, then turned around and took the silver to buy snacks.

The Imperial Academy did not need to go to morning court, and used a shift system for when the Emperor called. Today was a day that Wang Yibo was on duty. He stood at the courtyard gate and looked up at the plaque, his thoughts inscrutable.

After stepping through the gate, he saw that his colleagues had arrived and were compiling classics. There were many people, but it was a little quiet. Those who became scholars were addicted to it, and didn't care about worldly affairs.

"Isn't this Wang Yibo, Wang-daren?" A Bachelor[1]* took the lead to identify him, greeted him with a forced smile, and then went about his business.

*[1] A Bachelor here is an accomplished scholar with a degree.*

Others looked over one after another with varied expressions, but it was obvious that nobody welcomed him.

Most likely it was scholarly contempt, or their dislike of Wang Yibo's intrigue in court, which made them look down on him.

Although the Imperial Academy was the place many students aspired to, it was a big joke that Wang Yibo was transferred from a first-rank minister to the Imperial Academy.

Everyone nodded their heads in embarrassment, not knowing what trouble Wang Yibo would cause the Imperial Academy in the future.

"Wang-daren, excuse me for not going out to meet you. I hope you will forgive this Ruan Xian." A young man in his prime came to greet him generously. "I am also an editor, so how about I give you a tour first?"

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now