𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔

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"Your Majesty, today your Majesty was the most valiant during the hunt. Hunting this huge beast is truly extraordinary and mighty!" The officials on the side flattered.

Wang Xuan's ears were ringing. He disliked hearing these flattering words. These people were used to praising the powerful and oppressing the weak, and when he was powerless in the past, he never heard such things.

There was only Wang Yibo who grew up at his side, urging him on and encouraging him, never deliberately flattering him. Even though he was now honored as the Emperor and had hunted a fierce tiger, the other party only gave him a smile to show affirmation, which was instead more comfortable than such vain flattery.

Thinking of this, he looked at his prey again and planned to reward Wang Yibo with both the tiger skin and the stag to make him happy. Of course, there was also some pride in it.

Perfectly satisfied, he moved forward and looked toward Wang Yibo, then saw a white rabbit jump out of his hands and Wang Yibo taking two steps after it.

Wang Xuan was wondering where the live rabbit came from when he saw Wang Yibo turn around and say to the other person: "What are you doing still in a daze, are you just going to let it run away?"

"Ask me, ah," Xiao Zhan said with a smile.

"In your dreams." Wang Yibo stood in place and said, "Forget it, I don't care if it runs away."

"I care." Xiao Zhan quickly caught the rabbit and stuffed it into his arms. "You have literary talent, give it a name."

Wang Yibo thought for a while: "I'll call it Hongshao,[1]*, I haven't eaten rabbit head in a long time."

*[1] Hongshao (红烧) means "braised."*

Xiao Zhan: "......"

The rabbit flinched, and the others laughed out loud.

Wang Xuan looked at the group of people, staring straight at Wang Yibo and not letting the expression on his face slip. He clearly saw the cunning that flashed in his eyes, like he was deliberately teasing Xiao Zhan to play, and the joy that came after success.

When did Wang Yibo ever tease others?

Wang Xuan's eyes gradually darkened, his heart feeling bitter and sour. When he looked over again, Wang Yibo had returned to his original appearance, as if it had just been an illusion.

He walked over with heavy steps and asked with a forced smile: "Where did this rabbit come from?"

"Answering Your Majesty, the General caught it," Zhong Yuehong said.

"It is likely that the person in charge accidentally mixed in this rabbit," Xiao Zhan explained.

It stood to reason that there would only be wild rabbits in the hunting grounds, not domestic ones, but not long after Xiao Zhan entered, he saw this white and tender domestic rabbit and supposed that the palace servants had accidentally let it in. It had no experience living in the wild. In these hunting grounds, it would either die to an arrow or at the mouth of another beast, so he simply took it away. It also looked inexplicably like Wang Yibo, who was also soft and white, and insisted on looking at others fiercely despite the lack of red eyes.

"So that is the case." Wang Xuan reached out to touch the rabbit's head with a gentle smile, and said to Wang Yibo, who was holding it, "This is really a good thing, don't you love rabbit meat? This is a blessing, right, Bo?"

The people around were stunned. Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Xuan in surprise, and then at Wang Yibo with a complicated expression.

Wang Yibo nodded, calm and composed: "En."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now